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Zac Barnes (18) jumped out of a car never to be seen again. What happened to Zac?

Classic 'first time poster, long time lurker' warning! Please feel free to give me feedback on the post but be kind.

On Friday the 11th of November, 2016, Karen said goodbye to her son Zac, as she dropped him off at work. Two days later, Zac jumped out of his friends car and disappeared into night, never to be seen again. What happened to Zac?

Zac Barnes was born on May 22, 1998, to childhood sweethearts who eventually came to have four children, all boys – Jarred (23), Cody (21), Zac (18), and Liam (16). The family grew up in Metford, Maitland, New South Wales, Australia. Metford was a suburb of ~5000 people within the city of Maitland of roughly 80,000 people. The town is ~150km (~100miles) north of Sydney and sat on the Hunter river, approximately a 30 minute drive from the beach to the east.
As a child, Zac would be the one following his mother around and latched to her leg. Unfortunately, their father became involved in heroin and for the boys safety, Karen took her children and left that environment. Regardless, she held no ill will towards him and left it up to her boys as to their relationship with their father. Zac chose not to have anything to do with him.
When Zac was about 7, Karen and Mick began dating. Initially hesitant of Mick and protective of his mother, Zac eventually welcomed Mick’s strong character and inherited this trait from his step-father. Zac became known for standing up to bullies and for what he thought was right.
Karen and Mick welcomed two daughters, Makayla and Mia, who adored Zac. It was a busy household in Metford, with 6 children under the one roof.
With brown hair, brown eyes and a fair complexion, Zac was never shy of attention from the girls - which he was quite proud of. As a true aussie larrikin, he loved the beach, hanging out with his mates & playing rugby league. Despite his lively antics, Zac liked things orderly and clean according to his family. His drink of choice was a VB and much to his mother’s dismay, one day he had the beer logo tattooed on the back of his right calf.
At the age of 17, Zac began an apprenticeship in bricklaying - the same job as his brother Cody. He loved the job and was great at it – as he would tell anyone who would listen. He grew his hair out to form dreadlocks that were often filled with dust from the days work. Earning his own income, Zac was a partier. His mother admitted that they rarely saw him on weekends. Often he would go straight from work on a Friday to a mates place and stay there for the weekend. When Zac began partying, his mother had stressed to him never to try and get home if he had been drinking. She didn’t want him getting into a car with other drunk kids or anything and emphasised that she would rather have him spend the night at a friends place instead. Her children’s safety was Karen’s top concern.
His mother never worried as every Sunday, like clockwork, Zac would reappear, often hungover and ready for a feed, a shower, and to prepare for work the next day.
After his 18th birthday, Zac opted for a new look and had his mother painstakingly comb his dreadlocks out. After several hours work, they went to the hairdresser and Zac had his last haircut. This clean cut image of Zac is the main picture that is circulated in his missing photos as it was taken 3 weeks before his disappearance.
The Disappearance
Zac (18) overslept on Friday the 11th of November and so his mother offered to drive him to work. All he took with him was some cash, leaving his wallet and ID at home. His mum has said that his phone was broken at the time.
From work he went to lunch with his work crew and enjoyed a pub meal and drink with them. Zac left work early that day as apparently, he felt it was unsafe to continue because he’d had a drink at lunch. A work colleague drove him to a friend’s place in east Maitland.
From here, things tend to get a bit murky and there is much less information available.
Zac was spotted at the same friend’s house in East Maitland on Saturday night and his brother reports that he was still on social media as he had seen his snapchat. It’s never explained how he was able to check his snapchat given his mother had said his phone was broken.
At about 6pm on Sunday, his mother Karen and brother Cody began to worry after Zac didn’t come home to lunch and hadn’t communicated in a while. Given his phone was broken, they began trying to contact him and reaching out to his friends over facebook. Eventually they got word that he had been seen at the friends place in East Maitland on Saturday night.
Cody asked a nearby friend, Bree, to go around to the house to check on Zac.
There is not much information out there about Bree’s relationship to Zac or the family but she had been in contact with him over the weekend. At approximately 1am on Sunday, Zac had sent out a snapchat to Bree that said “dead”. Bree responded with “are you okay?” to which Zac replied “F- no”. From then on there was no further communication from Zac over any social media.
Bree reached the East Maitland house where Zac had been reported to be staying. He peeped through the blinds, looking scared, and shutting them quickly. Another male answered the door and hesitantly let Bree in. Zac looked extremely worried and was ‘acting unusual’ saying that Bree shouldn’t be there. Bree reported that Zac said hurtful things including “I’ll bite your face if I get in the car with you”. They had never fought before. Zac became increasingly agitated. Seeing she wasn’t getting anywhere, she told Zac his mum was worried about him. He walked to the front door, put on his work boots and walked over to a silver 2 door hatchback. The two men at the house followed him to the car and all three got in.
According to the two friends he was with, waking up on Sunday he had appeared fine. Over the course of the day his mood suddenly shifted, becoming increasingly distressed and he wanted to leave to get a train at the nearby Thornton Station.
On the way to the station, Zac asked his friends to stop the car before he jumped out and ran off near the intersection of Haussman Drive and Tripp Close. This was the last time Zac was seen.
One side of the intersection is residential, while the other has a short strip of land with shrubbery and then a tall wall. Beyond the wall is a railway line and beyond that is bushland including a deep, murky swamp. It was initially reported that Zac jumped out of the car at a different site closer to an old quarry that’s also quite dangerous.
The police and community have since combed through the area. The deep bodies of water around the area have been searched by divers and “sonically” according to Zac’s mother, however as previously mentioned, the water is deep and murky and difficult to navigate. The quarry has never been dredged.
All the above information was combined from a variety of sources but the official missing persons states that Zac Barnes was last seen wearing a faded blue singlet and dark blue boardshorts at 8pm on the 13th of November 2016 at Thornton NSW. The tattoo of the VB logo on his back right calf is a distinguishing feature. Zac would be 22 today.
  1. He ran away
Zac’s mother has stated that she was not aware of any mental issues and it wasn’t something that her family was afraid of. Immediately prior to his disappearance he was acting increasingly agitated. Now there have been a couple of ideas floating around to explain why he was so distressed and none of them have been largely substantiated.
The first that gained traction was that Zac was involved in online pokergames and owed someone money. One article claims that he thought when Bree came to check on him on Sunday, Bree was associated with the people who he owed and was scouting him out for them. In addition to this, there were rumours floating around that he had lost his job on Friday (no reason has been added to this) and he was worried to go home and tell his family. This theory explains Zac’s sudden change in demeanour on the Sunday with people hypothesising that he either tried to run away from his debt or came to a more sinister end. Both of these notions have been widely discredited by both his friends and family. They’ve come out as saying that he didn’t owe a significant amount of money and it wasn’t that big of an issue to him. All in all, it sounds like the rumour mill has simply gotten out of control here and was likely perpetuated by mainstream media. Additionally, his family have said if he did try to run away, he would have come home on Monday as for all he knew, everyone would have been out and he could have grabbed some supplies such as his credit card, ID, food, toothbrush etc – but nothing of his has ever been touched since.
A couple of articles have cropped up saying that Zac was involved with drugs, which would certainly explain the unusual behaviour. His mother has explained that not unlike most teenagers, she believes that Zac would likely have experimented with drugs but only socially and would not be heavily involved nor addicted in any way. As Karen described, although the area is known to have an ice problem, due to his father’s heroin addiction, Zac wouldn’t have done anything too extreme. Regardless, I do think that sometimes people do react in completely unpredictable ways to some drugs and if they had been in play here, could’ve caused Zac to become unusually agitated and paranoid and may have led him to attempting to escape whatever danger he perceived. This may also account for suddenly jumping out of the car and running into the bush as his friends described. He may have even been slightly disorientated and thought he could navigate from that drop off point to his home through the bushland – not intending to run away but simply trying to get home to Metford.
Regardless of the cause, if he did jump out of the car, as his friends say, and run into the bushland alone there seems to be only two outcomes: he got out of town without anyone noticing or whilst trying to navigate the bushland, hurt himself and was unable to get help (no phone).
Whilst there have been several unconfirmed sightings of Zac around Australia, police have said it is unlikely that he would have been able to get on the train unnoticed.
  1. His friends lied
I think this is the more obvious theory, and given facebook posts by his friends and family, one that they believe. The two friends that drove Zac to the intersection and saw him jump out suddenly were the only witnesses to this. Although initially cooperative with police, they distanced themselves more and more from the situation. As Zac’s family admits, they did hound the friends with questions (as you could imagine with your son/brother missing) and the friends became less and less helpful as time passed. Eventually they ended up unfriending or unfollowing Zac and his associated missing persons page on facebook. Karen has kept their identities hidden to prevent any sort of witch hunt. There is also the discrepancy of a different drop off points reported by the friends – although changes in witnesses stories are not uncommon, it does lend undermine their story slightly.
Additionally, the story of Zac jumping out of the car suddenly, is, to put it simply, unbelievable. All sources lack any substantial detail on this story.
There is the question of why they let their friend go into the bushland alone, in the dark, when he was acting so erratically. A 2 door hatchback was described as the last car he was seen in – this means it’s likely one of them had to exit the car in order to let him out. Even if they hadn’t been thinking clearly at the time to let him out of the car, there is no mention of them attempting to follow him or anything similar.
Unfortunately, I do think the answer of what happened to Zac likely lies with the friends. If their whole story of letting Zac out at this point is untrue, they were able to lead the investigation in a different direction, potentially cover up something more sinister. There are several baseless theories out there that his friends dropped him off with whoever he owed money to but I think the rumour mill is spinning on this again.
No motive by Zac’s friends in the car has ever gained traction across any of the sources, which creates doubts that the friends had any involvement. Even so, with such an unbelievable story resulting in no new evidence or clues, it is likely that these two friends know more than they’re telling.
This case draws at the heartstrings – a mother endlessly waiting for her son to come home. Some may jump on the drug or gambling aspect of the story, and although there are circumstances in which these would cause an individual to go missing, I do think the resolution to this case lies with his friends and potentially the greater public. Was there someone out there who saw something and didn’t realise it?
This case is filled with rumours, gossip, and vague, unsubstantiated stories, none of which resolve Zac's sudden disappearance, leaving his family and friends still wondering, What happened to Zac?

If you know anything, please report to Australian crime stoppers here
The family are now waiting to hear whether a coroner inquest will be granted. Usually at no cost for families they expect to challenge the brief and have set up a gofund me to aid with legal representation:
- The “What happened to Zac?” podcast at
submitted by YellowJelloStapler to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

r/AFL Compendium of History: Australian Prime-Ministers and their footy teams

Some Notes Before We Begin:
  1. The list has been done from PM 1 (Barton) to 30 (ScoMo) for completeness. I'm aware a lot of the earlier entries are sparse on details. There's a few reasons for this. One is the greater pressure on PM's and other politicians to show an interest in the AFL and other sports for PR purporses, which greatly increases the content to write about, as well as creating some phonies to expose. The other is the lack of readily available information about them. The greater interest in modern politicians and availablity of news articles and journos writing about them makes it easier to discover trivial details.
  2. I'm not a historian, and I haven't been able to read a 500 page biography of each PM. As such I may be missing some fun stories or details about some of these guys, so feel free to let me know and I'll add them in.
  3. I'm focusing on prime-ministers as fans of football clubs and personal engagement with the community, rather than policy. As such Howard's $8m financial aid package to the Bulldogs, and similar incidents, haven't been listed.

The Prime-Ministers (1-30)

1. Sir Edmund Barton: (1901-1903) Founding member of the Sydney University Rowing Club, and member of the Sydney Cricket Club. However, I can't find any information suggesting he ever barracked for a footy team, and given he was from NSW I don't hold high hopes.
2. Alfred Deakin: (1903-1904, 1905-1908) As far as I can tell didn't barrack for any teams.
3. Chris Watson: (1904) As far as I can tell didn't barrack for a sports team.
4. George Reid: (1904-1905) As far as I can tell didn't barrack for a sports team.
5. Andrew Fisher: (1908-1909, 1910-1913, 1914-1915) As far as I can tell didn't barrack for a sports team.
6. Joseph Cook: (1913-1914) Did not barrack for a sports-team. Or gamble, drink, or do anything fun at all.
7. Billy Hughes: (1915-1923) Patron of Glebe Rugby League team and aligned with the Rugby League movement, but as far as I can tell didn't have a relationship with Aussie-rules.
8. Stanley Bruce: (1923-1929) Captained football, rowing and cricket at Melbourne Church of England Grammar School. If he barracked for a VFL team I can't find information on it.
9. James Scullin: (1929-1932) As far as I can tell didn't barrack for a sports team.
10. Joseph Lyons: (1932-1939) As far as I can tell didn't barrack for a sports team.
11. Sir Earle Page: (1939) As far as I can tell didn't barrack for a sports team.
12. Sir Bob Menzies: (1939-1941, 1949-1966) A notable one-eyed Carlton fan and #1 Ticketholder between 1952 and 1978. In 1947 on the campaign trail he even tipped during a hostile reception at the Collingwood town-hall that the Liberals would win the upcoming election, and Carlton the premiership. Following a stroke in 1971 a car-ramp was built at Princes Park so Menzies could continue to watch games from his Bentley.
13. Sir Arthur Fadden: (1941) As far as I can tell didn't barrack for a sports team.
14. John Curtin: (1941-1945) Arguably the biggest footy fan on the list. Played HFF for Brunswick in the VFA, barracked for Fitzroy in the VFL (where his nephew was leading goal-kicker for a number of years in the 1940s,) and was a member of Claremont, South Fremantle and East Fremantle in the WAFL.
15. Frank Forde: (1945) As far as I can tell didn't barrack for a sports team.
16. Ben Chifley: (1945-1949) Played for Bathurst Football Club (Rugby Union,) but as far as I can tell no association with AFL.
17. Harold Holt: (1966-1967) Played for University. More notable swimmer.
18. John McEwen: (1967) As far as I can tell didn't barrack for a sports team.
19. Sir John Gorton: (1968-1971) Played Aussie-Rules while at Geelong Grammar, but cannot find any information regarding a team he supported.
20. Billy McMahon: (1971-1972) As far as I can tell didn't barrack for a sports-team.
21. Gough Whitlam: (1972-1975) Collingwood fan. Picture of him alongside Ray Gabelich.
22. Malcolm Fraser: (1975-1983) Another long-serving Liberal PM, and another Carlton Number One Ticket Holder (1982-1996.) Personally flew Carlton's 1981 and 1982 Premiership teams to the Lodge for some wild after-parties. Full details unfortunately aren't public, and I assume the Lodge has given up hope of reclaiming its stolen silverware.
23. Bob Hawke: (1983-1991) 1982 Number One Ticketholder for the Sydney Swans, supposedly a Hawk's fan who delivered the 1986 Premiership medals to the players, and attended a number of other VFL/AFL games. Arguably his interest in punting and his self-image were more important to him than the football itself.
24. Paul Keating: (1991-1996) Realised Collingwood had the biggest support base in the AFL's in the late 80s, and organised a VIP jet filled with journos to come down to a Collingwood game with him to witness his conversion, earning plenty of lampooning. Later remarks hoping that Collingwood would "kick a try" probably didn't help convince journos of his sincerity. Given he also congratulated Rugby Great Steve Roach for having "kicked a lot of tries for Balmain" and once failed to recognise the Australian Cricketing team as he walked past it might have been better to have gone down the Joseph Cook route.
25. John Howard: (1996-2007) The PM who broke the mold of longserving Liberal PM's being Number One Ticketholder at Carlton. A cricket tragic and rugby fan, Howard never had much of a relationship with the AFL, bar calling Tony Lockett "the greatest point-scorer of all time."
26. Kevin Rudd: (2007-2010, 2013) A Brisbane Lions fan who did a mock address to the nation surrounded by Lions paraphenilia in 2009 ahead of the Lions/Bulldogs match making light of his lack of intimacy with the sport (Julia Gillard doing a similar one with the Bulldogs.) Despite that he had been attending Lions games for several years, and evidently had a great time doing so.
27. Julia Gillard: (2010-2013) A diehard Western Bulldogs fan. Announced in 2010 that there was more chance of her playing forward pocket for the Bulldogs than launching a leadership challenge against Rudd. She's been in my best-22 since.
28. Tony Abbott: (2013-2015) Obviously a bigger Rugby follower than anything else, but also a notional GWS fan who's biggest contribution to the AFL was an incredibly awkward interview in 2015 where he bantered with Garry Lyon, James Brayshaw, Danny Frawley and Damien Barrett.
29. Malcolm Turnbull: (2015-2018) Ruffled feathers in 2015 when he ignored the AFL Grand Final to chat up Liam Hemsworth, 2016 when he declared "AFL is the most exciting football code" and again in 2018 when he posted a picture of himself at a Swans game in 2018 holding a beer and his granddaughter simeltaneously.
30. Scott Morrisson: (2018-now) A self-declared Bulldogs fan, who has also claimed he doesn't support any AFL team.
The Honorable Mentions:
Essendon have had two would-be Liberal PM's as Number One Ticketholder, with Andrew Peacock and Peter Costello. West Coast also had 2018 leadership candidate Julie Bishop as Number One Ticketholder. However, it so far looks like Carlton will keep the monopoly on Liberal PMs.
Labor have featured two Collingwood supporting Opposition leaders since Keating in Mark Latham and Bill Shorten, with Bill Shorten having changed alleigances from South Melbourne in 1982 and his campaign schedule in 2019 to watch the Brisbane/Collingwood clash at the Gabba.
submitted by Sir-Matilda to AFL [link] [comments]

i've been through so much if anyone could read it and help much appreciated :) im struggling here

thank you for coming to listen or help me.
( as of now, i have no friends, moved to 3 different high schools, bullied to an extreme, " bashed ", severe anxiety and depression and suicidal thoughts are a daily to me, oh and i'm fully in love, like actually in love with a boy who bullied me) ( 3rd paragraph after the subtitle "highschool" talks about more bullying and the start of me falling in love, the title HELL and under is where all the " real juicy shit is but it's best if you read from the start and try and see where i'm coming from)
I've been through a lot in my life nobody should have to endure from a very young age to now. my school experiences have been the worst out of anyone i know. I'm currently 17 ( male ) and living in NSW, Australia and up until i moved schools in year 3 ( age 9 ) everything was normal, i had friends and parents were still together and life was fun, i wasn't rich or anything i was enjoying a lot of it.
(I'm gonna write the primary school and high school in two different paragraphs but do read ill summarise so u don't get bored.) SKIP TO HIGH SCHOOL IF U DON'T CARE ABOUT BEFORE BUT to make it short, bullied and suicide letter.
Primary school: Age 9
i moved schools because i moved houses, can't fully remember what the people did to me at the start but i was bullied on my VERY first day and the following days after. years past and i'm in final year of Primary school, my best friend (James) broke up with a girl and talked bad about her, i told the girl online as a way to get in with her ( it worked ) she yelled at him and the James went off at me the following day and online, he was the most popular boy in the year so the group was somewhat big. some of the ppl in his group bullied me from the start at that school, James went off at me and said that he became friends with me because he felt bad and the others joined in saying they always hated me, it made me really upset but i tried to not let them see but that was at the end of the year and i dated that girl for a bit then we broke up and i didn't care cause i was 12.
I was in school holidays before start of highschool and i didn't know what i had but i was depressed. still got hate messages from some but i sent a long email to my favourite teacher about the beef and told him i wanted to commit suicide and he never responded but told my mum and i got in trouble... ipod and laptop taken off me- then i brushed it off and highschools started.
first day was actually fine i met this kid and we hung out for most of it and his mum asked for my number and i thought we were going to hang but we never did, i never saw that kid again. few days in and JAMES was there, he said he was sorry and i instantly forgave him, 2 boys a week or 2 later called me a faggot and stuff and i told my mum cause my sisters were there and thought they'd protect me and told me to report it and then the boys confronted me and said " it was just a joke " and i went oh, sorry and James said " c'mon man they were joking, don't take everything so personal " and i agreed and apologised for reporting. me and james only sat with each other as for some reason he was the anxious one, a boy walked over and asked if i wanted to sit with them, i asked james to come and he said no and sat there so i left him and he seemed fine but his mum called my mum saying i abandoned him and it was all my fault and he moved schools without fucking telling me. he only showed up like 3 weeks out of the first 10 but still. i got pissed and told him off on IG and another argument happened but didn't care. since i was alone i became a target to many (the boy who i sat with left as well.)
yr 7 passes, year 8 nears to and end and thats when i found my people. they were really nice and i actually felt happy for the first time in a long time, i went to a party but got threatened to be bash by some kid who hated me for no good start and a rumour about me talking about his dad when i didn't even know he had one.. 2/3 close friends left after that year to private schools, they made me laugh a lot and i was real upset about it cause they were my 2 only real guy friends but the other one was a girl and we drifted over the years and in year 9 she only really talked to me because i was all she had in cooking and lunches TBH.
But year 9 is when i fell in love.
gonna call him Robert, i talked to him once in my life before in year 8 swimming carnival, i sat with his group cause i had no one else that day, he saw my brother eating food by himself because his friends were competing and Robert mentioned he felt bad for him and i told him not to worry because its my brother and i didn't care about him. ( he bashed me a lot ) and that was it. year 9 in my classes without that girl-friend i sat alone for the first few weeks then my brain like forced me to sit over with Robert. i sat next to him and was quiet for a first few days but idk how but we started talking and talked more as he was in, science,maths,PE/health. he honestly seemed like the nicest person I've met, i didn't know at the time but i liked him more than a friend, i hated what i was feeling and tried to watch straight porn to make me forget about it but it didn't work so i ignored it, it was always at the back of my mind but was fading. A teacher asked me with ' this kid ' was my brother i said yeah and Robert had a semi shocked facial expression because my brother played basketball with robs group during both lunches and few days after that banteroasting became a thing. it was funny at first and i did it back a few times when it first started but over time it got to a point where he would just bag out every insecurity he could find, a normal person would've ended the friendship or whatever but i didn't want to lose him at that stage, he bagged me out for having my brother as a brother because he was always screaming across the quads and roaring at people like actually roaring like shrek. i copped this whenever i was with him and he was an asshole some times like straight up and it hurt cause it just reminded me of James like one time he said he was gonna snob ( ignore ) me irl and he didn't talk to me for the rest of the day and he would always call me his shadow or a lost puppy and while it was true i still took all this and just shoved my emotions down even further, i had no one else to sit with or hang out with during lunches other than Robert, i didn't even play basketball i just sat down and sometimes got hit by the ball. it was too awkward for me to play as my YOUNGER brother was more manly than me and taller and knew how to play and i was scared he would roast me and he did, he roasted me a lot of times and Robert's group still had dickheads in it and when the ones i was really scared of came i went to hiding and just sat back down and didn't speak. he wasn't always like this, in year 9 snow camp me, him and a few others didn't go and we had to stay at school for the days the year was gone for, the room behind us was empty and the teacher was late so me him and 3 others went in and just sat or talked and the others got caught and it was just me and him. i liked it when we were alone because i knew he was always nice to me when we were alone idk why but he just was like the swimming carnival i wasn't going to go but he was thankful i went for him and we had a nice time just sitting ig) anyways we talked for a bit or just sat around on the cabinets or chairs, i went and sat on the floor against the wall and idk how it got brought up but Robert asked me how big my dick was, i went uhhm and never answered i said why and he said idk from my memory and subject got changed. i always thought he was straight that's why i tried to hide my feelings, but after that it always had me wondering, a lot of straight guys say or do sus stuff all the time, like 2 from my maths class wanked off in the same bed just under covers so it wasn't gay but idk if that was him just asking in general or what. those few nice times were the best times with him, i always felt good on those days but the others made me feel like shit, not just by him but from many others. sports me and him did laser tag but he would sit with my brother on the bus and tell me to go sit by myself and i hated it but then he'd only talk to me during sports. im not innocent either, i started being an asshole to others around me in classes because it made Robert laugh most of the time and i was cheeky with my science teacher and it was funny for everyone but i did it mainly to make rob laugh and stuff. in my classes where he wasn't in i began to be rude towards the friends of the ppl who bullied me from the start as a way to get payback or something but i become rude and i didn't care. at the end of year 9 in the xmas holidays everything Robert had said or done and the others including my brother, i was just reflecting on what everyone did to me and i wrote a suicide letter and really wanted to kill myself before the start of year 10 because i couldn't take it any longer. obviously i didn't but the thing that stopped me was rob, back of my head kept telling me ' what if he likes me back or what if he's nice once highschools over ' he didn't do nothing and didn't know how i felt but after yr 9 i knew i liked him and tried to give him hints at the start of yr 10 whenever i would sit next to him, slightly brush my my leg against his slowly and gently and if he moves it i said sorry but a few times he didn't, i'd always say the " you're such a great friend " a few times and " i like talking to you " stuff like that. i hung out with his group ( brother was in it as well ) so it was really awkward but idk why i just took photos of everything in late yr 9 and 10 and i got some photos of him and would jerk off to them.. and fantasise just of his face and stuff, ik im weird. i found a new group tho a couple and they seemed nice but it was only a lie, eventually i mainly sat with them and they talked A LOT of shit about everyone and they eventually made a gc on sc about talking shit about our year and teachers and i became cheeky with them before and wed roast ppl amongst ourselves causally. in the gc i said a lot and a lot of it was extreme but i didn't mean any of it and they dead ass knew too and they'd say some fucked up shit. we all laughed and knew we were all joking to each other but i got angry at a teacher and wrote about it on my private story and saying racist stuff about her and the girl in the couple took photos of that and only the parts i said in the gc that i said so even the out of context parts. they used a laptop camera to screenshot the messages and didn't do anything for about 15 weeks, and i was just hated by a lot of people and didn't care, i had another group as well the anime weird ppl thought they were nice but i was falling for 2 of them as well but nothing compared to rob.
mid year, term 2 i get a text asking if im gonna to school by the male from the couple, i ask ye why and he doesn't respond and i get to school and i get slammed into a wall and told im fucked and acted like i didn't care but my anxiety began to spike the boy who texted me sat next to me in roll call and acted like he knew nothing and the boys friends with the kid who slammed me laughed and looked at me and i told myself nothing happened and it was fine for the first 2 periods then in 3rd before lunch people started chucking food and paper balls at me, calling me harsh things because of my pimply face, i couldn't concentrate that lesson i was shaking and once the bell went i went to the art room but there was no teachers just kids from different years sitting there i sat and went on my phone shaking, the couple and rob saw me in the room and then left and towards the end of lunch the boy who slammed me and his big group comes to the door and goes completely off at me and i just awkwardly smiled at my phone and they walked off and then the bell went the other 2 boys i liked showed up cause they FORGOT that i asked them to meet me there and then we walked out of the room and i walked around the corner and got slammed into the wall yet again and they started " confronting " me about some of the screenshots the main thing that group was concerned about was me saying this about one of them " i hate nick because he won't stfu about malta " they said shit like why you disrespecting malta and his culture and i fucking laughed on the spot, i couldn't explain myself but im in nick's rollcall and theres a map and his dumbass always every second day istfg says " lets finda malta " in a dumb vocie and takes forever to find that tiny fucking country even though teachers and himself have found it countless times and its always pissed me off so they were pressed about that mainly i mean ye the screenshots did say " kys " about someone so YES that's harsh but i was literally gonna kms and on the verge so i didn't care and it was about a teacher so they didn't even see it but it's still wrong and i still feel shitty. During this confrontation idk who but some bitch kicked my leg and a fucking popper or can was thrown at me cause i got some concerning liquid on my WHITE school uniform and then the bell, this was outside a teacher staffroom... they didn't do shit fuck them. after the bell i went to the 2 boys who went to the room at the last second and they ignored me, they fucking ignored me and pushed past me and then the girl from the couple said what happened i lost my voice and nearly cried, i didn't realise she sent them, i walked to my class like nothing happened, i texted the girl and she ignored then i went on a kids sc and messaged her and she talked until i said " it's me " and then she didnt respond. i got pulled out of class to my deputy and a teacher did see it but it was the uni teacher so ig she was nervous to stop what was happening when it was her vs a lot of boys, deputy asked me a lot of shit i was still shaking and scared shit less and didn't say the names of the people who did it, i said what happened but not the names i was told to go back to the staffroom after lesson as it was lunch 2 right after ( early day ) i headed up towards it and 2 girls asked if i was hiding i stuttered every word and said " getting uh uh work uh " they went okay and i got to the room, the deputy and vice principal came to get me and i told the vp what went down and she asked me the names and i still was scared, i didn't say a lot, the main ones, and she guessed i was lying and called the names. got sent home, blocked a lot, excpe the couple stupidly because idk why is till didn't put the pieces together and i told them that the police could get involved if the school wants too but i don't think they really would've but they told people and then rob messaged me went off at me saying that if the police got called in then theyd show the screenshots of me talking bad about a few people and why they should kms and i went off at him saying like why hes doing this cause he just reminded me of james, exactly like james. made me sick, i didn't care that i could get in trouble for what i did or what had happened completely i cried because i knew i was losing him, we argued a bit more and told both each together to kms. 2 days go by and i was suspended along with a few other people including the girl, which she talked way more shit than me but i didn't want to expose her when i could've she sent a long text and said that " it was too much " even tho she was the person bringing ideas about her ' friends " and the only reason she apologised is because she got in trouble. i blocked nearly everyone from that school and didn't go to school until term 3 so 5-6 weeks later.
i started at a new highschool much further away from me as the closer schools were worse than the last plus all the primary schools kids went there. i had to catch trains to get to this school and first day wasn't too bad. got a rushed tour because a kid didn't want to miss music, he did and got mad at ME and then introduced me to his group and only 1/9 said hi the others stared i got nervous. didn't get offered a seat and the rest of the day was fine, this school was fucking massive, over 1200+ kids and the biggest agriculture area of a school in the region so i was glad i went there. the teachers here actually taught and were nice. kids for the start didn't try and pick on me it was fun, my anxiety was more known to me and i was still shaking really bad especially in science cause nobody talked to me, i was shaking as if i was naked in a blizzard so many goosebumps. weeks pass and i still have photos of Robert and of the old school. i didn't delete them cause i didn't want to lose him for good. i still jerked off a lot, dreamed, cried, and just pretended he was here with me and made scenarios as im awake and it's like he's right in front of me but i didn't want to lose him. i joined quite a bit of groups at the 2nd highschool trying to look for kids with personalities similar to Robert or the "close" friends i had. i deleted them during agriculture and i was sad but i knew it was the right thing to do, i mean he doesn't care so why should i? he's doing fine. i always asked my brother how he was doing and stuff he never relaly told me much just jokingly said stuff like "do u have like a crush on him or something?" i was playing a random rust server and just talking shit about my last school "fuck *school* mutts" and i saw Robert in it, he said my name? and i said rob? and then i went oh fuck and then said i was sorry for everything and he said sorry as well and then we added each other again and then i told him all about my school and tried to make it seem like i was doing great and it was a better school (still public) and he was always like "nice" etc. at the second school i started discovering my sexuality and i guess im bi-sexual i like girls but i was only in love with Robert. I've never loved or been loved by anyone other than my family but it was different with him. I've always wanted hang out with him even at the first school, he never went out a lot only once that i know of and he offered but is aid no because it was with his horrible friends. i did walk home to his home one time and it looked amazing and he told me to text him if someone was following me or whatever that made me nervous inside and i remember went red because it was really sweet but i really wanted to see him and a it was nice but he said something can't remember what but it triggered me and it made me remembered all the times he was rude asf to me whilst playing rust in the past and so i did a real shitty thing. after the whole first school drama i waited till he went to bed and logged into his steam account and deleted around 83 dollars worth of skins.. i tried to trade them to myself so i could like just talk to him about everything idk what i was expecting but i deleted them and then logged into his sc by guessing the password and just blocked everyone. he asked me and told me to be 100% honest and i lied. that was then but i posted a video of me deleting his skins and i had hours to delete it but he saw it in the morning when i was sleeping my regrets away and he said like "i knew it" and asked why and i was so out of it and just yelled at him basically saying i trusted him and shit and he said he didn't care cause he had earned it all back and more on some skin gamble website (rustypot?) and then we blocked our socials and never spoke on disc or steam again. he did call me once on discord probably to annoy me but we still have each other to this day on steam and hes asked a few times for the skins and ive just typed long messages etc and deleted them. i miss him, i really miss him i cry day and night and dream about him and i think im obsessed sometimes but i tell myself it's just love? i was always the quiet kid at the 2nd school and didn't have much friends and people began to bully me and call me faggot and threaten to bash me again. my sleep, depression got worse and back in 1019 November, i hung out with one of the other 2 i liked and his name is Reuben, he only hung out because i said i'd pay then told me we're not watching these movies because he wanted to see it with family, he wanted to leave early for a better friend but i bought him food instead and yeah, his bday was coming up, and due to train and bus times i left early and bought his box and added like hard to find chocolate and $60 in cash and more food and a card with $20 the card was full of great things about him and he stood me up. even when we discussed about it 3 times the night before i sat up in his area for 3 hrs cause i was nervous his bus was late or whatever and he was just gonna be around the corner, he never responded till i got home which was around 6- pm as i got home, i hid the gifts under my bed from mum who was excited i still had a friend. i kept asking when he was going to get it he gave me the usual response "IDK, maybe, idk, someday" it was in my house for a MONTH a fucking month in my fridge or under my bed, i wasted so much money on him and he sometimes ignroed me for days and told me he didn't actually like me and i sent him a long message on ending the "friendship" and he left me on seen. my depression got worse and sleeping was utterly shit. anxiety spiked but it settled down at the start of 2020 for a few weeks. before covid lock downs in March my anxiety for some reason got severe and it made me feel like i was about to piss myself so id move my legs and anything to stop me from thinking i need to pee even tho i didn't need to, pinched myself to stop shaking and the girl next to me moved seats lessons after and made my anxiety much worse and i had to get early marks because it was too much for me and had days off and then online school started once covid hit Australia, it was really interesting but i enjoyed it we had very few calls and i slept in and did the work later or on another day but geography had like 40 min call and at the end i was too anxious to use my mic to ask questions about my assessment task and i asked the kids to ask for me and they didn't they roasted me and the teacher didn't know how to fully work it so he didn't do much and after he left the kids continued to roast me so i left and just acted like nothing happened. after the lockdowns are eased we returned back to normal school, except for me. didn't return for over a month, i only came for a 3 period day and just talked to teachers and then once again 1 day later for work as the school knew i was doing it from home, i had to do calls with headspace, school councillors, teachers and explain to them why im not coming back, they were thoughtful and said take as long as i need and they wish to see me again etc. my teachers were nice and didn't make me read cause they knew i was scared. ive been doing school from home for months know and its better but i'm scared to go outside, ive only been out for those 2 times, therapy and doctors appointments. i haven't spoken to a single kid irl or from school since march 12th(my bday which no one wished me a happy bday) life's gotten progressively worse for me and i don't see a future at all, i don't work because my anxiety is too much, i slack a bit in school atm Robert still has me on steam and that's messing with me because it tells me that he'll block me once i give his skins back but another part of me tells me that he either doesn't care or still likes me somehwere deep down. i still create scenarios every night, and i relive moments from the past wishing i could change everything, i like to my therapist saying i don't plan on killing myself but it's tough. Robert's the only thing keeping me going because of the "what if". i was going to wait until his birthday in January and give him a letter that I've been writing for months with $50 in it and then skins back with another $50 on steam and tell him how sorry i am. idk what to do i could give it to my brother or just message it online to him. idk what to do with life anymore, i'll never find someone like him again, i love him and won't get over him, won't find someone else to love, won't lose my virginity unless it's with him, i love him in ways nobody would fully understand, "Robert" if you're reading this. i'm so fucking sorry and i wish i could've met you differently or we had a different outcome.
my sleeping schedule getting better with help of therapy and i got my letters for my brand new school (online) distance education so hopefully it will be a good time for the remaining parts of school, the 'friends" at the 2nd school unadded me about a month i left, no texts, nothing. i don't think anyone will relate to this or me but there's so much more i would've said but didn't see where to add it. Should i try and reconnect with him even tho knowing him won't get anything? just need some help. sorry for bothering you guys with this long story but :/ my sister tells me it's different with work but all the people ill work with in my head tells me that they'll have a childhood friend or a great few friends from highschool, i won't ever get that. I'm Sorry ( also even before year 9-10 drama my year 8 class had a sc account and i was told to kill myself by the boys in it and there's just details like that where i missed to add )
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Play Online Pokies

Did you understand that pokies are one of the most played games in gambling enterprises and also on the internet video gaming? Actually, the pokies produce concerning 70 percent of the average gambling establishment's income. This is because they are so simple yet thrilling and also do not require any discovering or special skills. Unlike other gambling games, pokies depend primarily on the player's good luck in mix with couple of essential strategies.
Pokies maker are recognized around the world by different names. In fact possibly you have actually heard a few of them and you just did not recognize that they describe the exact same game. Pokies are referred to as fruit machines, casino poker makers, or gaming machines Australia.
Pokies are wagering makers that have 3 or even more reels that spin whenever you push a switch or move an arm attached to the maker. The land-based pokies also have a coin detector which detects if a coin is inserted. When the coin is put the video game begins quickly. Pictures as well as signs on the screen begin to move up or down and afterwards unexpectedly quit. You win if the images match Complimentary Pokies
A raising number of people have tried playing pokies in real gambling establishments or in the on-line gambling enterprises. Do you understand why? Because as soon as you attempt it, you appreciate it so much that you are being literally formulated to it! You get pleasure from the enjoyment you get every time you rotate the wheel. You enjoy the uncertainty whether you win or shed, which provides a moment of adrenaline thrill. However, for sure, I understand that you like to win as opposed to shed Australia.
Although with pokies you rely mainly on good luck, recognizing its ins as well as outs with the right approach surely helps in raising your chance of winning. If you are aiming at winning a great deal, it is best that you familiarize on your own with establishing reasonable money management and also techniques.
Let's discuss pokies myths. Perhaps you've heard the idea that if you keep playing on one certain equipment and invest a lot of cash there one way or another you will definitely win. Well, sorry to bring an end to your conviction yet this is most definitely not true! There are no premises that would support this concept. As an evidence, there are even instances when a player wins a prize after just two spins while others fail to win also after rotating the entire day. The real concept behind the pokies device is that it follows the complex theory of randomly generating numbers, and also each number stands for a certain combination of the reel.
So what's your best technique when playing pokies? To start with it is finance. Before playing, decide on how much you agree to spend. Have a certain bidding quantity and constantly, and also I mean constantly, adhere to it. Whether you win or lose do not differ your strategy. In cases when you happen to lose, do not try to maintain playing up until you win everything back since if you do, you obtain available to more losses. It is necessary that you preserve self control.
An additional equally crucial point to keep in mind is to kick back during the video game. Bear in mind, you are there for satisfaction. Once you obtain distressed, after that the major factor for having fun is lost. So, it is much better to quit, regroup, and play the next day. Try playing devices that provide totally free games, below you are under no pressure and hence you can invest a long time there till you obtain your cool back. You can not win or lose cash right here yet instead you can acquire more experience.
Australian Fruit Machine Or Pokies.
In the 1950s, an Australian company called Aristocrat established their very first one-armed bandit called the "Clubman." They modified it 2 years later on with a brand-new as well as better vending machine called the "Clubmaster." Nevertheless the first vending machine was originally created in the USA of America by a man named Charles Fey Free Pokies.
It wasn't until the 1900s when the slots lastly struck Australia. In 1956, the NSW Australian government legalized gaming machines in clubs.
The next few years provided nothing new in terms of the video game technology. They all had three spinning reels as well as either one, three or five lines. The rewards were by today's standards tiny and also the interactivity was limited to drawing the manage and also waiting for the reels to quit Australia.
It was not until the mid 1980's when the very first video ports rolled off the production lines and also were launched to the public. This was the most significant growth in video gaming given that Charles Fey had designed the very first video game. Not only did the video games have 5 reels but the likewise had many more lines as well as provided added means to win such as cost-free spin attributes as well as perk attributes.
Nowadays, you are likely to see these slot machines all over you enter Australia; from clubs to gambling establishments. They are just one of the most prominent types of betting and also enjoyment.
Pokies is a slang word in Australia for vending machine. There is no recorded day for when the term "Pokies" was first utilized in Australia. Individuals in Australia usually state points like "I'm off to the bar to play some pokies" or "I'm off to have a wager at the pokies."
Discover Pokies Online!
Pokies are frequently described as port video games. These games are tremendously prominent amongst casino players worldwide. It is mainly based upon the idea of sheer good luck and hence the requirements of winning or losing becomes uncertain. On the internet pokies are created according to the precise feel and look of land based casino sites. This game supplies hard competitors to all its gamers. Pokies online includes functions such as multi line bets, reward function games, particular gambling functions and lots of various other qualities comparable to an initial casino.
There are many advantages while selecting to play pokies online as contrasted to the land based ones. The primary reason regarding why people opt for such online poker video games is the high percentage of payouts. Typical casino site has reduced payments because they need to consider the maintenance of these casino sites. Yet on the internet pokies above expenses are incredibly low and also hence they account to high payouts. Aside from these benefits, these video games also offer particular considerable tips to the player so that he/she can make use of these reminders and also win the video game. The slot video games provide you a great chance to make money unlike any various other on-line gambling enterprise video games. A gamer does not need to break his head constantly in order to get necessary skills because it entirely relies on your luck Free Pokies.
There are different slot machines that have released several versions of these games to please the gamers. A number of these pokies games have gained immense appeal amongst people. Some of the popular ones are: Queen of the Nile, 50 Lions, Super Bucks, Wild methods and also Burial place raider.
Queen of the Nile is the very first amongst all pokies games because the moment of its launch. It features an Egyptian style and also offers cost-free video games bonus offer. Consequently 50 Lions video slot is also being extensively played among several players. It has teams which presents the top having fun lion icon on each of the reels. Wild methods includes a Wild African style with specific icons such as lions, zebras as well as elephants. In A Similar Way Super Bucks are on-line pokies games that supply a chance to pick between cost-free spin choices.
Burial place Raider is taken into consideration to be the very first brand that accredited itself to an on-line computer game slot. This video game consists of numerous features and also excellent graphics. It is a 5 reel port game with additional 2 video game bonuses. It likewise includes the function of free spin mode. These unique top quality animated graphics puts it amongst the preferred pokies on-line games.
The phenomenon of Australia and casino poker is identified with each other due to the victory of fellow Aussie Joe Hachem at the WSOP in the year 2005. His triumph has brought interest amongst people in Australia and hence has motivated them to play this sporting activity. Words "Aussie pokies" has actually been derived from it, as poker is one of the most common leisure games in Australia.
How to Wager Online With a Poker Device
Every location around the globe has its very own term for every casino site game known to guy. The same opts for poker. Online poker is known as pokies in Australia as well as, in Britain, it is labelled as slot machine. Regardless of what its name is, one thing stays the very same, casino poker has never ever fallen short to intrigue casino players specifically with its video game play that is majorly based on pure chance Free Pokies.
Nevertheless, with the coming of on-line innovation, on-line betting also entered the photo and also this was just one of the very best benefits that British gamblers experienced in their years of playing in casino sites. What deals with do these online betting sites offer? First off you get to play all type of games such as various sort of poker as well as complimentary roulette suits. Nevertheless, British gambling establishment players stop working to appreciate their very own variation of the fruit machines. This is due to the fact that most on the internet gambling establishment supplies five duplicates of the Las vega ports that have a great deal of winning lines. This kind of texas hold'em is entirely various to that of the fruit machine Australia.
Rather surprisingly, on-line betting would not simply sit down as well as let the needs of bettors pass undetected. Certainly, they would constantly get this sort of opportunity as putting up a gambling enterprise consists of needing to deal with teeth and also neck versus competitors. To do so, they need to satisfy and even go beyond the expectations of their clients. A great deal of pc gaming sites make use of Pub design replicas with the aid of Microgaming software. What this does is it assists boost the experience of playing on-line slot machine. It is capable of providing the ports specifically how a person would certainly see them in land-based gambling establishments. Furthermore, the on-line variation also has additional features such as super hold, pushes, holds, to name a few.
Restriction Your Number of Sheds
As you have fun with the on the internet variation of the video game, you would certainly notice that the functions very closely appears like that of those located in the fruit machine, the UK variation of poker. Comparable to any various other gambling enterprise video games, it is additionally based a lot on good luck. That is why among the most effective methods that a player might utilize is to stop while he is still has even more wins than losses. He must have the ability to know when to quit especially if he is on a losing streak. If, as an example, you still continue playing the video game, you run the risk of ending up bankrupt after the game Free Pokies.
Finest No Down Payment Incentive Gambling Enterprises
On the internet casino sites are getting an increasing number of prominent nowadays. They provide different rewards to their present participants as well as likewise lots of special bonuses to brand-new participants so as to draw in more gamers. These incentives are supplied on conditions that you will certainly have to stay in the play for a specified time. If you are a gambling establishment video game enthusiast as well as are looking for an on the internet gambling establishment then the most effective alternative will be to try to find no deposit perk gambling establishments.
A few of the most effective are gone over below.
Awesome Pet cat - It is among the best no deposit bonus offer gambling enterprises which is much preferred amongst game enthusiasts. If you are a new member then you will be offered a $50 no down payment bonus by the casino site. There is a maximum withdrawal limitation of $100 over which you can not withdraw the quantity at a provided time.
Silver Oak - This gambling enterprise also provides $50 to its brand-new participants. If you are looking for no down payment perk gambling enterprises then you can simply go for Silver Oak Casino whose reward quantity must be bet 40 times prior to making any withdrawal.
Custom - This gambling establishment is also consisted of in the checklist of such casinos and also provides $30 as no down payment perk to its new participants. If you experience the conditions of this on the internet casino site after that you will discover that the players are called for to gamble the bonus offer 99 times prior to they can go for any type of withdrawal. You can make a maximum withdrawal of five times the perk quantity while the minimum possible withdrawal amount is $30. The most effective thing about this casino is that the players are used extra $50 on their birthdays.
Club Player - Club Gamer is one of the popular online casinos which is just best for all on-line gambling establishment fans. It uses $65 to its new participants and also the amount should be wagered 30 times before any kind of withdrawal.
Palace of Possibility - This is once more a superb no down payment incentive online gambling enterprise which uses $50 to its brand-new participants. The quantity is offered as no down payment bonus, as used by most of the no down payment perk gambling establishments today. You are allowed a $100 optimum withdrawal that too only after the bonus amount is bet 40 times.
Sorts Of Online Casino Perks
Among the most effective factors that gamers require to on-line gaming is the suggestion of enjoying casino site incentives. While standard land-based gambling establishment perks such as complimentary drinks and dishes obviously can not fit right into the world of internet gaming, betting internet sites still take care of to draw in and compensate consumers by providing them rewarding bonus offers.
Online gamers can be forgiven for getting a little perplexed regarding all the various bonuses as well as promotions offered in the market. Besides, the buzz as well as marketing projects bordering the various type of bonus offers are enough to make any individual concern specifically what type they must benefit from and also just how much they will certainly gain from a certain promo. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that gamblers have a clear understanding of the different kinds readily available as well as make notified, educated choices regarding their options Free Pokies.
Invite Incentives
Invite bonus offers are specifically as their name suggests - a reward that invites players to a certain online gambling enterprise. Invite (or 'sign-up' rewards) are the online gambling establishment's way to draw in players onto their site as well as try their online casino. With a lot of on-line gambling establishments available, it is essential that welcome bonuses take care of to catch the player's eye with more-than-generous offers and also problems. Sometimes, players may feel that the deal is ALSO excellent to be real; nevertheless, it is certainly worth looking into every promo as a lot of websites really are using wonderful terms merely for players to experiment with their casinos. There are numerous kinds of welcome perks, both most typical being a match benefit as well as a no-deposit perk.
A match reward suggests that the online casino site will match the gamer's initial down payment by a particular percent, usually as much as a particular amount of cash. So, for example, if a site provides a 100% match bonus offer approximately $100, the gamer requires to deposit as much as $100 and will instantly be awarded with another $100 (or 100% of the first deposit) to spend at their pc gaming sessions. This is a great method of increasing one's playing time at the online casino site as well as for that reason putting oneself in line to win a lot more.
A no-deposit bonus is an extremely profitable bargain that is not supplied at all sites. Basically, gamers do not have to make any type of first down payment at the website after registering. Rather, they will instantly be rewarded with credit reports to begin their gaming session. As with all bonus offers, it is important that gamers read the conditions of these kind of promotions very carefully.
Month-to-month Incentives
As soon as players have attempted a particular online casino site with making use of the welcome rewards as well as enjoy the games and features, the opportunities are that they will certainly continue dipping into the online casino over a size of time. To make sure that gamers really do return for even more, sites reward returning consumers with generous month-to-month bonuses - so called due to the fact that they are typically offered on a monthly basis. These incentives are additionally known as reload incentives since they start when gamers reload their accounts at the online casino. The monthly benefit is normally awarded on a percent basis, as an example 20% of the amount that player spends moneying his or her account.
High-Roller Incentives
Obviously, on the internet casino sites are eager to draw in gamers that spend big quantities on their on-line pc gaming home entertainment. Thus, these gamers, called money players, are compensated additional amounts for depositing and also playing at on the internet casinos. High-stakes gamblers likewise take pleasure in one-of-a-kind promos, VIP clubs and other benefits to make their remain as satisfying and also beneficial as feasible Free Pokies.
Repayment Technique Bonuses
Great on-line gambling enterprises use a vast array of payment approaches whereby gamers can transfer as well as withdraw their funds. Some websites wish to motivate players to utilize a certain payment approach (such as Click2Pay or Moneybookers) and therefore supply gamers an extra 10 or 15% additional bonus simply for making use of these techniques.
Online Casino Site Incentives
As can be seen, there are many sorts of bonuses to choose from in the on the internet gambling enterprise industry. The technique is to learn about every one of these as long as feasible and then choose one (or numerous) that suit the gamer's specific gaming requirements and also lifestyle. In the long run, the incentive needs to offer the gamers well as well as ought to not make them invest more than they originally laid out to. When all is claimed as well as done, on-line gambling establishment benefits are among the most effective reasons to check out web video gaming.
A Quick Guide To Online Gambling Establishment Bonus Offers
One of the big attractions of on-line casinos is the various types of rewards provided by them. Remain updated concerning the selection of incentives you can anticipate when you gamble online, to make sure that you can make use of the benefits that profit you the most. Here are one of the most typical type of online gambling establishment bonuses you can anticipate.
Invite Or Sign-Up Benefit
Additionally referred to as the new player perk, the welcome or sign-up perk is the very first point you will come across and the most popular type of bonus offer. These on the internet gambling enterprise perks are usually additional set apart into percentage, no-deposit, or match rewards.
* Suit perks are the most common sort of on-line casino incentive where you obtain one debt for each credit scores you acquire. This is usually a 100 percent benefit on your very first acquisition with a restriction of $100. This bonus might differ as well as it is not mandatory to spend the $100. Most online gambling establishments enable you to purchase a minimal $20 to make you eligible for the match benefit Free Pokies.
* The percent bonus is anything more than 100 percent and provides you 200 percent or 300 percent. Almost all casino benefits are similar to percent perks, no matter whether they take place to be suit or portion Australia.
* The no-deposit benefit is certainly the most preferred bonus offer. It can be cost-free cash in the kind of cost-free gambling establishment credit reports that are included in your gaming account when you subscribe and free play online casino where you obtain a complimentary newbie's equilibrium. You can maintain any kind of earnings that surpass this quantity.
Reload Bonus
A reload bonus offer is offered to get you to keep reloading your account as well as remain to wager online. It is generally comparable to the welcome or sign-up incentive as well as offers a 100 percent pair up. This may be on a monthly, once a week, or day-to-day basis, relying on which on-line gambling establishment you are playing.
Down Payment Method Perk
When you pick a specific down payment method with a casino-usually your credit card or an on-line repayment provider-to fund your gaming account, you obtain a deposit approach reward. This can be in the series of 5 percent to 15 percent, and also is independent of other rewards you get Australia.
High Roller Bonus Offer
A deposit of $1,000 or more receives a money player perk and also ranges from 25 percent to half Australia.
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Loyalty bonuses are used by on-line casino sites as Players Club bonus offers as well as special acquisition bonuses.
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List of grad job programs

Hey all! I was pretty lucky to find this a year ago on Whirlpool when I started applying to internships/grad roles. It’s a list of approx 300 employers that offer grad roles (some of which also offer internship programs). It’s not exhaustive but is fairly comprehensive! I hope this is of help to everyone in this stage of their studies/career prep. Best of luck x
ABB Australia Pty Ltd
Abercrombie & Fitch
Accenture Australia Ltd
Air Liquide
Alcoa of Australia
Alinta Energy Group Limited
Allens Arthur Robinson
Allianz Australia
AMP Services Limited
Anglo American Metallurgical Coal
ANZ Banking Group Ltd (Aust)
Arrium Mining & Materials
Arup Pty Ltd
Associated Foreign Exchange (AFEX) Pty Ltd
Atlas Iron Limited
Attorney-General's Department
Auditor-General's Department – SA
Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd
Austraining International Pty Ltd
Australia Post
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
Australian Electoral Commission
Australian Energy Market Operator
Australian Federal Police
Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA)
Australian Government Solicitor
Australian Hearing
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees
Australian National Audit Office
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)
Australian Public Service Commission (APSC)
Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)
Australian Securities Investments Commission (ASIC)
Australian Taxation Office
Baker & McKenzie
Baker Hughes
BankWest Financial Services
Barclays Capital Services Ltd
Barrick Gold Australia Limited
BC Iron
Bechtel Australia Pty Ltd
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank
BHP Billiton Limited
Blake Dawson
BNP Paribas
BP Australia
Brisbane City Council
British American Tobacco Australia Ltd
Buyster Pty Ltd
Cameron Management Services
Campbell Arnott's
Capital Dynamics (Australia) Ltd
Capricorn Society Limited
Centennial Coal
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd
Chief Minister's Department (NT)
Citigroup Pty Ltd
City of Sydney
Clayton Utz
Clean Energy Regulator
Clough Engineering Limited Coca-Cola Amatil
Colonial First State
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Computer Frameworks
Corrs Chambers Westgarth
Credit Suisse
Crowe Horwath
Defence Intelligence and Security Group
Defence Materiel Organisation
Defence Science & Technology Organisation
Dental Health Services Victoria
Department for Environment and Heritage (SA)
Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture and Food WA
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
Department of Commerce (WA)
Department of Communications
Department of Communities (Qld)
Department of Defence
Department of Education
Department of Education and Children's Services (DECS) (SA)
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Department of Employment
Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation (Qld)
Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (Qld)
Department of Environment and Primary Industries (Vic)
Department of Environment and Resource Management (Qld)
Department of Finance
Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade
Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (SA)
Department of Health
Department of Health (SA)
Department of Housing (WA)
Department of Human Services
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR)
Department of Justice (Vic)
Department of Lands and Planning (NT)
Department of Mines and Petroleum (WA)
Department of Parks and Wildlife
Department of Primary Industries (NSW)
Department of Primary Industries (Vic)
Department of Public Works (Qld)
Department of Regional Development and Lands (WA)
Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
Department of Social Services
Department of State Development (WA)
Department of Sustainability & Environment (Vic)
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water,
Population and Communities
Department of the Attorney General (WA)
Department of the Environment
Department of The Prime Minister and Cabinet
Department of the Treasury
Department of Transport & Main Roads (Qld)
Department of Treasury (WA)
Department of Treasury and Finance (WA)
Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
Deutsche Group Services Pty Ltd
Dimension Data Australia
Disability Services Commission (WA)
Downer EDI Mining
Dulux Group
Dun & Bradstreet Australia
Edwards Marshall
Energy Australia
Ergon Energy
Ericsson Australia Pty Ltd
Esso Australia Pty Ltd
ETSA Utilities
Evolution Mining
Fair Work Ombudsman
Fivium Pty Ltd
Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd
Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited
Fordham Wealth Advisors Pty Ltd
Fortescue Metals Group
Fuji Xerox Australia
GE Capital Finance Australasia Pty Ltd
Gentrack Ltd
Georgiou Group
Geoscience Australia
GHD Pty Ltd
GMK Partners Pty Ltd
Golder Associates
Goldman Sachs & Partners Australia Pty Ltd
Grant Thornton Australia Ltd
Hatch Pty Ltd
Herbert Smith Freehills
Hewlett-Packard Australia
HLB Mann Judd Chartered Accountants
Honeywell Ltd
Hydro Tasmania
IBM Australia Limited
IMC Financial Markets and Asset Management
Imperial Tobacco Australia
Incitec Pivot
Industry & Investment NSW
Integral Energy
Integrated Research
IP Australia
John Holland Group
Johnson & Johnson
JP Morgan
K Technology
Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd (KBR)
Kiewit Australia
Kinetic IT
L'Oréal Australia
Laing O'Rourke
Lander & Rogers
Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd
LEK Consulting Pty Ltd
Linfox Australia Pty Ltd
Linklaters LLP
Lloyds Register
Lockheed Martin Australia
Macquarie Group Services Australia Pty Ltd
Main Roads Western Australia
Mars Australia
McGrathNicol Services Pty Ltd
McKays Solicitors
Melbourne Water
Meltwater Group
MH Carnegie
Millward Brown Asia Pacific – Australia
Minerals and Metals Group (MMG)
Minter Ellison
Mobile Rehab
Momentum Partners
Monadelphous Group Limited
Mondelez International
Moore Stephens
Morgan Stanley
Murray-Darling Basin Authority
MWES Consulting
National Australia Bank Ltd
New Hope Coal
Newcrest Mining Limited
Newmont Asia Pacific
Nexia Australia
Nexia Court & Co Chartered Accountants
NHP Electrical Engineering
Norman Disney & Young
Norton Rose Fulbright
Nous Group
NSW Department of Education and Communities
NSW Department of Education and Training
NSW Trade & Investment
NSW Treasury
O'Connells OBM
Ok Tedi Mining Limited
Orica Australia Ltd
Origin Energy Ltd
PageUp People
Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Ltd (PB)
Pitcher Partners Advisors Pty Ltd
PKF Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers Powerlink QLD
Procter & Gamble Australia Pty Ltd
Public Sector Commission (WA)
Public Service Commission – PSC (Qld)
Public Transport Authority of Western Australia
Qantas Airways Ltd
QBE Insurance Pty Ltd
Qenos Pty Ltd
QGC – BG Energy Holdings Limited
Queensland Government Chief Information Office Queensland Rail Ltd
Queensland Treasury
Reckitt Benckiser
Redflex Traffic Systems Pty. Ltd.
Reserve Bank of Australia
Rio Tinto Limited
Roads & Traffic Authority NSW
Roads and Maritime Services (NSW)
Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV)
RSL Care
RSM Bird Cameron
SA Power Networks
SA Water Corporation
Saab Systems
Santos Ltd
Schlumberger Oilfield Australia Pty Ltd
Schneider Electric
Sedgman Limited
Shell Company of Australia Ltd
Sinclair Knight Merz
SingTel Optus Pty Limited
SKG Radiology
SMS Management & Technology
Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC)
South East Water
Southern Cross Care (SA & NT) Inc
Stanwell Corporation Limited
Subsea Australia Contracting Pty Ltd
Suncorp Group
Susquehanna Pacific Pty Ltd
Sydney Water
Teach for Australia
Technip Oceania Pty Ltd
Telstra Corporation Limited
The Audit Office of NSW
The Boston Consulting Group
The Royal Bank of Scotland
Therapeutic Goods Administration
Therapy Focus Inc
ThoughtWorks Australia
Tiwest Pty Ltd
Tonkin Consulting
Toowoomba Regional Council
Tracey Brunstrom & Hammond Pty Ltd
Transfield Services (Australia) Pty Ltd
TransLink Transit Authority
Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
Transport for NSW
UBS AG Australia Branch
Unilever Australia Limited
Vale Australia
Van Eyk Research
Victorian Public Service Graduate Recruitment and Development Scheme (VPS GRADS)
Virgin Australia
Viva Energy Australia Pty Ltd
Water Corporation
Wesfarmers Limited
Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate)
Western Power
Westpac Banking Corporation
William Buck
Wilmar Sugar
Wood Group PSN
Woodside Energy Ltd
WorkSafe Victoria
submitted by sparkled3mon to unimelb [link] [comments]

Summary of the 2019 New South Wales State election parties & independents

This is a cross post from a Medium article I wrote about this, I thought it might be interesting as the state election is next week.

The NSW State election is approaching. I decided it was time to find out what each of the parties had to say about their policies. What follows is a brief summary of all the independents and political parties running stand for. I have done by best to provide a good faith reading of these parties and, when relevant, have attempted to clearly notate any editorial comments.

Legislative council parties:

Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers

The Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers are an agrarian, social conservative, and libertarian party whose policy platform is based around ending the government regulation of environmental protections and standards, as well as laws about maintaining native biodiversity which often conflicts with crop plantings. Their main goal is to remove the ability of external forces (governments, courts, or activists) from interfering with the direct commercial goals of land owners as they prize individual property rights which they believe as violated by land reform legislation. Beyond this, they also aim to assist NSW farmers by pushing for drought assistance to combat the current prolonged drought, as well as pushing for further tax cuts aimed at farmers.
Like many other current right-wing groups, they have coalesced behind supporting the end of renewable subsidies and pushing for the building of more coal power stations. Uniquely, they also want to end the interconnection of NSW power to other states in a pseudo-isolationist move. This also means that they oppose many policies about regulating carbon and other pollutants, however as they also support deregulated fishing they are currently signalling their difference from the NSW National Party by wanting to prevent further mass fish deaths in the Murray Darling River.
As part of their right-wing libertarian streak, this consists of ending most government regulation of gun control, whilst also signalling support of ‘tough on crime’ policies and supporting the police and prison guards.

Socialist Alliance

The Socialist Alliance is a traditional socialist political party who are focused providing a more egalitarian society where wealthy individuals and corporations pay aggressively higher taxes to fund re-distributive policies increase the standard of living for lower income peoples. They also want to expand public transport along with taking privatised assets back into public ownership.
They also want to switch to a renewable energy economy and make NSW explicitly anti-racist and a safe haven for refugees. They also believe that our current electoral system is flawed so they wish to introduce a series of electoral reforms to introduce electoral recalls at all levels, and make all levels of government proportional instead of our current mix of representative and proportional government.

Sustainable Australia

Sustainable Australia is focused on what they see as the issue with our current immigration rate. Under their ideological view, having a high immigration is detrimental to Australia as it causes “over-development”, as their website claims, as well as increasing housing costs, and environmental damage. Whilst not explicitly stating it, they appear to be planning on addressing the predicted losses in economic growth from their policies through diversifying the economy. This anti-immigration view covers refugees, as whilst they will allow them to enter the country they believe they should stay around their local region and work be done to improve safety there.
From their policy platform, it appears as if Sustainable Australia wants to limit overseas trade as they have policies on restarting Australian manufacturingjobs, which would assist our economy if we were no longer utilising low cost overseas manufacturing sources. However, they appear to be on-board with the current environmental consensus as they want to transition to a renewable energy economy and want to protect natural lands.


As one of the minor major parties, most of their policy platform should be somewhat known. It is dominated by their positions on the environment where they want to rapidly transition towards an entirely renewable energy sector, as well as more general policies about reversing environmental pollution of air, land, and water-bodies. Broadly, they are the most prominent socially and economically progressive party in NSW at the moment. However, they are anti-genetically modified crops [Ed. note — this is due to a flawed belief that ‘organic’ food is better than modified, which is not supported by any current research consensus.]
Of note is a current “civil war” within the NSW Greens between the two faction which respectively believe that the Greens should be focused entirely on the environment, and the other who believe that they should be a vehicle for broader democratic socialist policies. However, there has yet to be any noticeable policy arguments (publicly at least) around this, so the factional struggle may be personality based.

Animal Justice Party

The animal justice party is a leftist political organisation based strongly around broadening animal rights and protections. The majority of their policies are to do with ending the killing, or harming of animals in any way. Seem to want to end the use of companion animals (pets) in general but are addressing that bit by bit by limiting how you can adopt animals. They also view population growth as bad for animals and the environment and thus believe we should keep growth at replacement rate, which implies limiting immigration. However, limited policy detail on environmental and climate action policies, broadly says we need a carbon tax and to shift to a renewable power economy.


Advance is actually a coalition of the Advance Australia Party and the Motoring Enthusiasts. Their policies goals seem to be addressing housing affordability, increasing Sydney’s desirability as a tourist destination, anti-gambling — specifically Barangaroo, desiring the return of the Sydney Monorail — which appears to be driven by their distaste of the Light Rail, pro-electric cars, and “fixing the roads”. Not sure on their political alignment, appear to be a centrist neoliberal party without a social justice platform or any re-distributive policies.


Ah, FLUX. FLUX is not a political party in the traditional sense as they have no actual policies in of themselves. They’re a single issue party, which wants to more or less end our Representational Democracy model and replace it with an electronic platform which is a mix of Direct, Representational, and Delegate Democracy where you use ‘an app’ to either directly vote, or nominate someone to vote for you on every piece of legislation in parliament. Legislation, which I assume is also crowd sourced?
[Ed. note — INTERESTING. Meow-Ludo Meow-Meow (real person) who has been a candidate for the Science Party (formerly the Future Party, now running as the James Jansson group) for the last couple of elections has moved to FLUX and is the candidate for Willoughby. You may know him as the dude who put the OPAL chip inside his hand.]

LaboCountry Labor

NSW Labor has a typical modern centre-left policy platform. However, of note is their recent moves to ban single use plastic bags, phase out single use plastics, invest ~$140 million into local recycling projects, and of particular note they claim to want to seek a treaty with the NSW indigenous peopleswhich would replicate similar treaties in Canada and New Zealand. This treaty would cover: recognition of historical wrongs, addressing health and education services, and language rights.
This election, NSW Labor is trying to differentiate themselves from the Liberal Party by emphasising their goals to decrease housing and hospital costs, as well as addressing industrial concerns, such as wage theft and underpayment, as well as providing increased services such as more education facilities and free public transport for children. Another policy difference is their goal to divert the currently allocated funds for stadium redevelopments towards other policies such as renewable powered air conditioning for public schools.
They also wish to legislate 10 days paid domestic violence pay, in addition to investing $158 million towards building new domestic violence and sexual assault courts, increased victim compensation, and increased funding to shelters and advocacy groups.

Liberal/The Nationals

The Liberal/National coalition will be running this campaign based on their record over the last eight years which has constituted increased building of private toll motorways as well as the building of more commuter lines, specifically the light rail and North-West Metro. The party however has been dogged by their more draconian policies around nightlife and music policiesin general. This has been paired with their alleged failures on environmental policies based on the recent spate of mass fish deaths in regional NSW resulting from widespread rorting of water resources by the large commercial cotton farms.

Australian Conservatives

The Australian Conservatives are a factional splinter of the Liberal Party of Australia. They were started by Cory Bernardi who left the party because of his views of the “corrosive left” of the Liberal Party. As such, they are an extremely conservative party. Their policy agenda does not meaningfully move away from orthodox right-wing business politics, and government regulation, as they are libertarian on this front. Their main focus is on ‘white resentment’ politics. This is as their most detailed policy statements deal with ending “gender reassignment” and “political indoctrination”. Their main goals is to realign Australian with their conservative views on what it means to be an Australian, that is to be white and hetero-normative [Ed.]. Broadly they are quite similar to the current Republican party in American in terms of their social and economic views. This party is part of the current wave of populist(whilst not actually being populist as their policies will benefit the 1% primarily) “Western Civilisation” politics based around Nationalism and anti-leftism.

Keep Sydney Open

Keep Sydney Open appear to be a civil libertarian party based around getting the government and its regulation out of the music scene and Sydney nightlife. Their main party agenda is the end the Sydney Lockout laws and the current government’s policies around policing music festivals. Have no really stated political goals outside of this niche beyond some language around a stronger ICAC, and introducing 24 hr public transport. Of note, not actually running a candidate in the Seat of Sydney, where the lockout laws apply.

Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrats are an aggressively libertarian party whose only elected member is David Leyonhjelm. The main thrust of this party is promoting “individual liberty”, which is mostly expressed as reducing the ability of governments to enact regulatory legislation, and letting businesses pay less tax. They see effectively no place for the government beyond Defence, and maintaining property rights.
Editorial: the Liberal Democrats use a very American strategy of campaigning, which is “triggering the left”. They’ve also engaged in sexist and racist behaviours in their effort to gain votes from the same constituency of One Nation, Australian Conservatives, and Men’s Rights Activists.

Voluntary Euthanasia Party

The VEP are a single issue party, and that is enacting legislation for voluntary assisted dying. They appear to be a party dedicated to ensuring quality of life up until death through both allowing death to happen on your own terms, increasing palliative care, and improving access to medical cannabis. Beyond that, they claim to be a moderate progressive party and will vote on a case by case basis for all legislation under that framework.

Christian Democratic Party

Otherwise known as the Fred Nile Christian Democratic party. A Christian religious party aiming to “glorify God in government”. Under that framework, are pro-business. Their main niche is ensuring that NSW remains a tacitly Christian state by legislating SRE classes (they’re the ones who made SRE mandatory and that you have to specifically opt out, whilst also making information about that hard to find). This party is extremely conservative about sexuality and gender identity and believe that there is only two gendersand you should only be heterosexual, and thus want to remove the Safe Schools program.

Small Business Party

Another neoliberal business party whose policy focus is on cutting business taxes and regulation, claiming they’re a drain on the economy. This extends to wanting to reduce housing Stamp duties and power prices. Also are anti-immigration as they claiming current NSW immigration is unsustainable and there is no place for them here. [Ed. note — current immigration rate is reason we’re not in a recession at the moment.]

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation

One Nation is the most prevalent of the current Australian mainstream populist (whilst not being popular) ‘white resentment’ political parties. Under the NSW leader Mark Latham — who has a colourful past — the party has taken a specifically Men’s Rights Activist lens as it has explicit platforms on their idea that white men are being repressed in our society.
Outlaw the new Left-wing discrimination against men, boys, Christians and white people, including a ban on discriminatory ‘employment quotas’ and segregationist ‘safe spaces’ — One Nation policy outline
This platform extends towards explicitly racist policies, and removing recognition of transgender people’s rights. These policies manifest themselves through their anti-Islamist rhetoric, claiming that they’ll end “Islamic Radicalisation in schools”, being anti-multiculturalism, and putting forward a policy that only individuals who “pass” a genetic test [Ed. note — which is bullshit] can get Indigenous peoples specific social welfare.
These policies around Indigenous peoples also extend to the Indigenous Land Reform Councils as they claim they’re hoarding billions of dollars which should be taken. Like other prominent white resentment parties, One Nation also supports pro-business reforms such as protectionist policies to maintain monopolies, and cutting their taxes and regulations, as well as being anti-renewable energy and fixated on coal power.

Seniors United Party of Australia (group G)

The Seniors United Party is pushing forward a policy agenda aimed specifically at senior citizens, such as being focused on increased funding and undoing of Liberal/National cuts to superannuation. They also wants oversight and regulation of aged care providers. However, like many other parties running in this election, they are a anti-immigration party and wants to see reduced in overall migration levels.

Monaghan and Monaghan (group H)

This is a husband and wife duo from the northern beaches and the majority of policies appear to be focused on a “not in my backyard (NIMBY)” agenda in regards to the Northern Beaches. However also wants to ban brothels and 24/7 gambling, and very specifically the Woolworths in Mosman.

Jeremy Buckingham Greens splinter group (group L)

Buckingham is a former Greens MLC who left/got kicked out of the party over allegations he committed an act of “sexual violence”* towards a staff member. This was investigated and dropped due to insufficient evidence to substantiate the allegation. Teamed up with Alan Jones to help stop coal seam gas mining
His policies are a little hard to nail down as his content is limited on his website, but based around his previous statements it broadly aligns with the environmental aspects of his former party, the NSW Greens. Of note however, is his desired collaboration with American Tech Baron, Elon Musk, to build a tunnel through the Blue Mountains from Western Sydney to Lithgow.
\allegation was revealed under parliamentary privilege by Newtown MP Jenny Leong. May have been done as part of the current NSW Greens civil war over whether or not they should be a climate action party or a more broadly socialist party.*

James Jansson (group S)

A re-branding of the Science Party as they aren’t registered at State level. Focused on increased transportation, housing density, etc. Seem to be greenish Radical Centrist party with focus on changing regulation and increasing funding without really rocking the boat or doing anything substantial.

Various Independents

Tony Edwards: no clear policy directions stated, with more of a general anti-right perspective.
Ellie Robinson: Anti-corruption platform and wants to address climate change, disability rights, animal justice, indigenous rights.
John Brett: anti-national debt candidate, focus on removing foreign involvement and getting more people back into trade jobs.
Ron Bogan: pro euthanasia, helping out senior citizens, pro-National Energy Guarantee (therefore neoliberal on climate action), focus on the Shire and Western Sydney. Campaign slogan — “put a bogan in parliament”
John Hunter: no information online about him.
Bryn Hutchinson: “progressive independent” — focus on police accountability and a NSW Human Rights Act.
Danny Lim: this is the guy with the billboard hanging around Newtown and the city who’s billboard said “Tony [Abbott] you cvn’t.” From what I can find, running principles of egalitarianism, anti-racism, broadly leftist, pro-renewable energy, investing in public healthcare, removing private healthcare insurance rebate, increasing refugee intake.
Andre Brokman: found his Medium blog — pro-Council amalgamations to increase centralisation and reduce ‘chaos’ in Sydney planning, appears to be a transportation enthusiast. His bio: “Andre Brokman is a full time city planning student and part time uber driver”
submitted by rigormorty to sydney [link] [comments]

Greyhound Racing authority

Can someone please help me locate where Greyhound Racing South Australia (GRSA) derives their authority to be the controlling body?
NSW has an Act that grants this power to GR-NSW, but this makes no mention of extending its reach to SA.
I’ve looked through the Dog & Cat Management Acts and the Animal Welfare Acts for SA, but there seems to be nothing that clearly articulates this.
I find it strange that the body responsible for the commercial side of greyhounds is also responsible for individuals who open a kennel to train greyhounds for non-gambling/non-pro racing/breeding purposes. It would make sense for this to all fall under the council and the Dog & Cat Management Boards who are derived from legislation and have some form of public accountability.
Any insight would be great!
submitted by raynetedman to Adelaide [link] [comments]

11/11: This is It

11/11: This is It
This is it. We are literally at the fork in the road of human history. Several things are emerging/converging. You have Prince Harry and Meghan new prominence with their child on the way. You have Trump seemingly being backed more and more into a corner. You have an emboldened Russia, China and Iran who is feeling threatened lately. You have Israel wanting us to do be their lap dogs and go to war with Iran. And then you have this odd situation with Saudi Arabia and them murdering and chopping up that reporter, kind of like Osiris. You have all these possible natural disasters. Wildfires, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes. If that wasn't enough, there's the looming threat of terrorist attacks, mass shootings, serious economic trouble and alien contact just sort of sitting there above people's heads, most of which don't even realize it. Also, did it suddenly get REALLY cold where any of you live? Because it literally snowed out of nowhere where I live. I'll try to address as much of this as possible but let me start off first with Prince Harry. This might be a 2 parter.

As much as people want to dismiss it, the Bible is full of important information, simply because its the book our rulers use as a blueprint. That book had to be written by some very high intelligence because the layers and layers of meaning in it are astounding as well as the prophecies in it coming true. Whether you believe in the literal truth of it or not, there is truth in there, its just encoded. It was never meant to be taken strictly literally. That's an American invention by Christians who think they can understand Jewish texts better than the Jewish people themselves.

In the Bible there is this theme of the 2nd son usurping the first born that I have noticed. Ishmael (the father of the Arabs/Muslims) was the first born of Abraham but he was usurped by Isaac because Isaac was the son he conceived with his wife and Ishmael was illegitimate because he had him with his wife's slave, at her insistence. Yahweh apparently didn't want a bastard child to become the heir to Israel. Or maybe the Bible is trying to tell us how division came into this world and what it does to humanity by people who claim to be special. People who claim to have the right to this or that because their god told them they do. These rights always involve worldly things too. Inheritance, special treatment, lands, kingdoms, gold, wealth, honor, esteem, etc. These brothers end up fighting against each for this one thing that can only go to one child and its made out to be the most important thing in their lives. The rights of the first born son.

The lengths gone to acquire this right from their siblings gets pretty psychopathic in the Bible. Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors story for example. His brothers sell him into slavery and pretend like he died, simply because they were jealous of his birthright. Cain kills Abel simply because he was favored. Jealously out of unfair treatment turning men's hearts cold and them taking brutal action seems to be a common theme. And the only thing that seems to differentiate the "good" ones from the "bad" ones, is their blind loyalty to Yahweh. Which brings me to Jacob and Esau.

Jacob and Esau are the twin sons of Isaac, Abraham's non bastard child. The Bible says that 2 great nations will arise from these 2 children. "Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger." It describes Esau being born "red and hairy" with Jacob being born grabbing his heel. Interesting to note in Genesis it says that the "seed of the snake" with be at odds with the "seed of the woman" and that the snake seed will strike the heel of the woman's seed and her seed will crush his head. So what does this say about about Isaac then? Esau is the first born but later in their lives, after coming home from the woods, he gets hungry and gives up his birthright to Isaac for a bowl of "red pottage", something akin to soup.

Yes, you heard that right. He gave his birthright up for a meal. Seems there's a deeper meaning here but that's for a different post. After doing so, their Mother (who favored Jacob) hatch a plan to take their father Isaac's blessing and thus the rights of the first born son. Isaac has become blind and also apparently deaf because he can't tell the difference between his 2 sons. He is fooled by touching goat fur as if Esau must have been one hairy person for this to work. Esau finds out his father's blessing has gone to Jacob and of course he is upset but Isaac claims it cannot be undone and he doesn't have another blessing to give. As if Isaac is a blind magic genie all out of wishes. In fact, he basically dooms him to live by the sword and away from the richness of the Earth, kind of like Cain.

Esau then threatens to kill Jacob once their father dies to which their mother sends Jacob away so that this doesn't happen. Esau then marries 2 Canaanite women which is akin to a white girl marrying a black guy in the 40s apparently to their father Isaac and their mother Rebekah who even claims life wouldn't be worth living if that were to happen. He also marries the daughter of his Uncle Ishmael, the father of the Arabs. So Esau has essentially created a line of Canaanite/Arab hybrids. The 2 brothers would eventually have a sort of fake reconciliation, with Jacob being deceptive again, culminating in Esau getting his head chopped off for being upset about rights to be buried in a certain cave. A son of his brother then bashed him in the head to which it rolled into the cave. I guess he got what he wanted afterall.

Esau lived in a place called Edom, which literally means red. These people were called the Edomites, assumedly for their red hair and complexion.The Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II had red hair, meaning he was an Edomite. Trump actually sounds a lot like Ramses II if you read about him (more on that later). These Edomites are also said to be the founders of Rome and essentially all of Europe (one of the meanings of the name Caesar is actually "hairy"). When you consider the Romans very war like nature and their issues with the Jews, this actually makes a lot of sense. In fact, the Edomites had a god represented by an Eagle named Qos just like Rome, also a volcano god named Vulcan, which shares a lot of similarities with Yahweh. I believe Moses was an Edomite and he infiltrated Israel with the Levite priests out of Egypt. These Edomite/Canaanites I believe, are the true rulers of this world. The cannibals feeding off of all the death and destruction that they helped orchestrate, all while hiding behind other groups like the Jews or the Russians or even America and England.

There is a very prominent figure emerging in todays world that seems to have a similar story to Esau. Not the exact same, but close enough. He is also "red and Harry". Prince Harry. Who's real name is actually Henry. He is hunter and a sort of adventurer just like Esau. But unlike him, he is the 2nd born and not the first. His mother, the very famous Princess Diana, also seemed to favor him because she disliked the balance of treatment towards her first born son William.

Now something I have also noticed with these rejected, usually red associated, angry and bitter desert wondering type kids from all of these religious myths and stories. They all seem to have some form of narcissism to a very dysfunctional degree. Narcissism essentially stems from mother issues usually due to just straight abandonment (like Vulcan) or betrayal like Esau. Death is a form of abandonment, even if not purposeful of course, It can also be caused by being essentially a "nice guy" mommas boy. You never want to upset your mother and she gives you lots of attention and praise so of course you don't do anything that might upset her. Think Norman Bates (without the murder and sexual implications) if you've ever seen Bates Motel.

Narcissists come in a lot forms. You even have what's called a "communal" narcissist. Someone who seems like a pillar of the community but really they are nothing like that in their private life. Think Bill Cosby or even Mother Theresa who essentially admitted that before her death without even realizing what she was describing in my opinion. In my experience, the more someone tries to project a certain image of themselves, especially one that disarms you or makes them look like an amazing person, the more likely they are doing that to cover up an equal or greater darkness inside of them.

Harry started something called the Invictus Games. It's for wounded veterans to compete in a sort of Olympic style event. Interesting to note that the Roman volcano god Vulcan had "lame" legs due to his fall to the Earth. Another one of these red, angry, mother,rejected narcissists. The Queen just so happens to have a dog named Vulcan as well. Incitvius is latin for "unconquered". It's the name of a poem by William Ernest Henley who overcame his own leg injuries to such he wrote this poem which is quoted a lot in relation to these events.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,I am the captain of my soul.

These games kicked off this year at a place called Cockatoo Island. This place has a very strange and interesting history.

Cockatoo comes from a 17th century word that means "older sibling". "According to Wikipedia: "In Australian slang or vernacular speech, a person who is assigned to keep watch while others undertake clandestine or illegal activities, particularly gambling, may be referred to as a "cockatoo". That adds quite a new layer of meaning behind the choosing of this island.

Cockatoo Island was a prison for 30 years in the 1800s, mostly for second offenders. The living conditions of which were pretty horrible and the settlement was closed in 1869. To which it became used as a spot for an industrial school for girls. in 1908, the island was no longer used as a prison. It was also one of Australia's biggest shipyards from 1857 to 1991. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Strange that a lot of places that have caught my interest lately are UNESCO sites.

The treatment of the people held on this island was horrible, the children's schools included.

A book was also written about a little girl staying on this island.
Olivia doesn't think that she's a bad girl. But she's starting to wonder if maybe she's got it wrong. Orphaned and alone, Olivia spends her days praying that a family will adopt her, that she'll find work, or will somehow escape Cockatoo Island and the harsh conditions of Biloela Industrial School. Olivia's life is a melting pot of hope and disappointment. Every snatch of hope thrown her way is tempered by bitter disappointment. Told in short, digestible diary entries, this series is designed to engage young readers with their Australian history through fictionalised accounts and it does so very well. Like the others in the series, this is well researched and offers an intimate portrayal of a specific point in time. The story of the forgotten children from Cockatoo Island offers a refreshing look at an untold piece of our history

If that wasn't enough, this is also the place they filmed the scenes where the mutants are trapped on a small prison island in X-Men: Origins Wolverine

There's a strange legend about a man who supposedly escaped the island who's name was Fred Ward. He also went by another name, which he gave himself after he escaped, Captain Thunderbolt.
Bushranger Captain Thunderbolt was born Frederick Ward at Wilberforce near Windsor, NSW, in 1836. As an excellent horseman, his specialty was horse stealing. For this, he was sentenced in 1856 to ten years on Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbour. On 1 July 1860, Ward was released on a ticket-of-leave to work on a farm at Mudgee. While he was on ticket-of-leave, he returned to horse-stealing, and was again sentenced to Cockatoo Island. Conditions in the gaol were harsh, and he endured solitary confinement a number of times. On the night of 11 September 1863, he and another inmate escaped from the supposedly escape-proof prison by swimming to the mainland. After his escape, Ward embarked on a life of bushranging, under the name of Captain Thunderbolt. Much of his bushranging was done around the small NSW country town of Uralla. A rock originally known as “Split Rock” became known as “Thunderbolt’s Rock”. After a six-year reign as a “gentleman bushranger”, Thunderbolt was allegedly shot dead by Constable Alexander Walker on 25 May 1870. However, there remains some contention as to whether it was actually Thunderbolt who was killed, or his brother William, also known as ‘Harry’.

They don''t know if it was him or his brother that got killed and his brother "William" is also known as "Harry? Harry's brother is William. I had predicted one of them would die very soon. (He had a love interest named Mary Ann that wasn't mentioned here). Then theres the "mark" he got on his leg, which I am sure caused him trouble with using that leg, like Vulcan. The date he escaped was 9/11/1863 which is also 9/11/9. 1863 was 155 years ago and since November was originally the 9th month of the year in the Roman calendar, it could also be 11/11. Add the difference between 2018 and 1863 (1 + 5 + 5) and you get 11/11/11, which is today....

2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11

Wow. I am figuring this all out as I am typing it btw. Everything after the Esau story, I am just going with wherever this goes. I had a basic outline but I had no idea about this. This is VERY symbolic of something. It sounds like Cockatoo Island was hell and he managed to escape. ALL of these dates lining up to today is incredible and frightening at the same time. Even stranger is Trump's father's name was Fred and his mother's name was Mary. And this guys parents are named Michael (like the Archangel) and Sophia (the goddess of wisdom). This seems to warrant more research but I need to move on for now.
H-K. The symbol I just can't seem to stop talking about, lit on fire looking like a Phoenix pointing right at Caesars Palace, almost as if to signify the death of something and the rebirth of Rome. I wonder if its a coincidence that Caser was the name of the mail bomber and it means "hairy" and he misspelled Florida and spelled florids and florid means red. Or that Prince Harry's name is actually Henry and he's a ginger and Esau was born "red and hairy" and they're both hunters who's older brother got the rights of the first born son who went on to be the father of the entire nation of Israel. Or that Esau's descendants are called the red people and went on to found Rome who's symbol was the Eagle but really the Phoenix. Or that H-K backwards is >I-I-I and VIII is 8 in Roman numerals and there was a very famous King named Henry the 8th. King Henry VIII. H-K backwards is K-H. H is also the 8th letter of the alphabet so H = 8.

Lion air flght 160 crashed killing 189 people recently. Prince Phillip's birthday is 6/10. He 92 years old.

Queen and Prince Philip look fit and firing on morning horse rides – aged 189 combined

I wonder what the odds are that a guy I watch on YouTube would post that exact verse around the same day that I saw that headline. A verse that specially mentions Princes.

Blackhawks fire head coach Joel Quenneville
NHL's longest-tenured head coach replaced by league's youngest

Blackhawk Down. The anniversary of the events depicted in this movie was in September I believe.

Prince Philip set to miss Sunday’s Remembrance Day service for FIRST time
Royal tour live: Charles and Camilla land in Nigeria - SECURITY SCARE sparks cancellation
Prince Charles to make LANDMARK SPEECH on British Empire - 'An indelible STAIN in history'
Royal news: Prince Charles has waited LONGER than any other royal to become monarch

Lion heir.
"Longest tenured coach replaced by youngest."Nov. 14: Prince Charles Celebrates His 70th Birthday. Although there have been events all year long to celebrate the milestone, the big day actually takes place mid-November. The occasion is being celebrated with a documentary airing on BBC Nov. 8

November 14th is Harry and Williams fathers 70th birthday. 14 is also 77. November 8th is the airing of the documentary. 11-8 or K-H. King Henry actually sounds a LOT like Trump too oddly enough. King Henry did a lot of reforming when it came to the Catholic church. Also decreed he was above the law.

There is another island that seems to be directly linked to Cockatoo Island, Goat Island. Which is also known as Memel or Me-Mel which means "eye". This place was used to house tons of gunpowder. Some early maps of this area have the current Goat Island with the name Cockatoo Island and Cockatoo has the name Banksa Island. According to the Aboriginals , this island was the birthplace of their intermediary Elder god, Bennelong.

You have the Omega and the Pi symbolism, that make the pyramid shape implying the Alpha. Turn it upside down "As above, so below" and you have what looks like a goat or insect head. Seeing as the name of the island is literally"Goat Island", I'd say it fits. Mirroring it comes up with some pretty crazy results, which I will probably post at another time.


Today marks the day of the end of World War I. There will be an event with several world leaders at the Arch in Paris, France. That arch gets watered with the blood of Royalty from time to time and there's been a bit of a drought. I believe Harry's mother Diana was the last one sacrificed to it. Both New York and Paris are connected somehow and the Washington arch is currently lined up with Trump Tower. Both the sun and the star Sirius are aligned with the Arch in Paris from 11/9 to 11/11. Is the assassination attempt on Trump going to happen today? Will it be ISIS? Or at least blamed on them to justify war since the walls are closing in on Trump? I have been seeing A LOT of plane/vehicle crashes lately. Both Melania and Prince Harry and Meghan had plane issues but ended up landing safely. Will Air Force One not make it home later today?

I do know one thing, Royalty is going to die. Could it be Saudi Royalty? This thing with them killing the reporter and cutting him up really reminded me of Set killing Osiris and chopping him up into 14 pieces. There were 7 World Trade Center towers before 9/11. There are 7 towers in Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
Big Ben and Mecca Clock Tower do look an awful lot a like. Maybe this is the clock tower they were trying to warn us about in Back to the Future.

One small thing I want to bring up, a guy named Jonathan Klek who has been doing this sort of thing for over a decade apparently has been saying a rapture event will happen literally any day now and since all sorts of people are on this same sort of wavelength with these things, I have the same feeling myself. I recently posted a video that showed a shipping container that he says God told him to make. In an earlier video, he basically said he was going to be lifted up like a crane and set back down by God. Now, I have no idea what that means or how that would even work, but I found this logo for Cockatoo Island, and thought there's no way this was a coincidence of course.

He even painted the floor of it red. Marine Centre? The post I made on 10/26 talked about Noah's Flood. Whatever is about to happen, it will change the entire world.
Part 2 incoming.
submitted by Oblique9043 to TheGreatDeception [link] [comments]

Mother left Australia to live in Philippines and is trying to claim a share of the house

Hi, haven’t been on this subreddit much but considering my current situation I am looking for some help/advice.
I’ll try to set out all the facts and if anything needs explaining, please let me know.
My parents were in a de facto relationship in Australia (NSW). They are now separated due to my mother leaving us roughly 6 years ago to live in the Philippines. My father is remarried and my mother has a partner in the Philippines.
Eventually, my father hopes to sell the home I grew up in but as it currently stands, the title of the house is still shared by both my father and mother.
I know for a fact that my father put in majority of the funds for the house when they first bought it but unfortunately I don’t know the exact amount.
The situation now is that we’re trying to remove my mother’s name from the house and put it into my name. At first, she agreed to do it just so it would be in my name but she then changed her mind. My father got the house valued and offered to pay my mother what her share was (20% according to him) which she agreed to on the condition that she be paid in cash (this isn’t possible because of the sheer amount she’s being paid).
My question is, what are her rights/claim to the house considering she left Australia (NSW) 6 years ago and only put (allegedly) 20% towards the house. Also, what options do I have in terms of making it so she doesn’t get anything at all.
Also, I don’t know my mother’s financial situation in the Philippines but I know that her partner bought her a car (which she has a driver for) and in Australia (NSW) she has roughly 10K in debt.
Trying to be as transparent as possible, I definitely don’t like my mother (greedy, selfish, gambling problems). My dad has his problems but at least he kept me alive all this time.
TLDR - mother left years ago, father wants to transfer her part of the house to my name, she wants money but I don’t want to give her any.
submitted by Chollos to legaladvice [link] [comments]

Casino self-bans are available in all Australian states. However, liquor self-bans are officially only available in New South Wales. Why?


My actual questions are at the very end of this post. If you're in a hurry, you may skip the rest.

Gambling self-bans

Gambling self-bans are useful for those who want to quit. Often, you can fill in one form and be banned from all the casinos in a state, province, or country. Most problem gamblers don't self-ban, but some do. Self-bans seem to help at least some people to gamble less often. (Source.)
I did some Google searching. It looks like gambling self-exclusion is available in all Australian states. (Source.) The service is also available in New Zealand, the US, the UK, Canada, South Africa, and elsewhere.
Casinos have different ways of detecting self-banned individuals. Some use face-recognition software. It depends where you live.

Liquor self-bans

I saw a post by revertoe, and it got me thinking about liquor self-bans.
Just as gambling self-bans can be useful for problem gamblers, I assume that self-bans from bars and pubs might likewise be useful for people who want help with abstinence.

New South Wales

New South Wales has a liquor self-exclusion scheme. The scheme is described in the Liquor Act, and in a webpage on the Liquor & Gaming NSW website.
You fill in a form (PDF). You attach a photo of yourself. You tick a box to specify how long the voluntary exclusion will continue (e.g. 6 months). You bring a photocopy of the form to each of your favorite bars. Then, if you try to visit any one of these bars, they can kick you out.
It's not a panacea, but if you want to quit drinking, I think it might help.

Great Yarmouth

The town of Great Yarmouth, England, launched an alcohol self-exclusion scheme about a decade ago.
Your information, and your photo, go into a database. (Source.) If your favorite bars or liquor stores don't yet have access to the database, they'll be granted access. (Source.)
There's no law which forbids venues from serving self-banned customers. But it's a bad idea to sell alcohol to such individuals; and I guess that the Count Me Out team is probably skilled at convincing venue owners that this is so.
If you try to buy alcohol, the Count Me Out team may contact your doctor, social worker, probation officer, and/or local police department. These officials in turn may contact you and (if you've consented) your family, friends, and/or AA sponsor. (See this source.)

Everywhere else

As far as I can tell, everywhere else, the liquor self-ban process isn't so well-defined. You can ask bar staff to self-ban you. If you ask nicely, they might well honor your request. (Source.) (If you instead want them to limit your drinks, they again might be willing to help; see this source.) But they're not legally obligated to honor any request.


I've never been to Australia.

My questions

I assume that problem drinking leads to far more injuries and deaths than problem gambling. (Consider, for example, drink driving.)
A) If gambling self-bans are such a well-defined process everywhere, why are liquor self-bans generally not an equally well-defined process outside of New South Wales?
B) (If you have any experience with the liquor self-ban scheme:) In your experience, has the New South Wales liquor self-ban scheme been helpful or unhelpful to participants?
submitted by tealhill to australia [link] [comments]

Casino self-bans are available everywhere. Unfortunately, bar self-bans are officially only available in Australia. Why?


My actual question is in the last line of this post. If you're in a hurry, you may skip the rest.

Gambling self-bans

Gambling self-bans are useful for those who want to quit. Often, you can fill in one form and be banned from all the casinos in a state, province, or country. Most problem gamblers don't self-ban, but some do. Self-bans seem to help at least some people to gamble less often. (Source.)
I did some Google searching. It looks like gambling self-exclusion is available in the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and elsewhere.
Casinos have different ways of detecting self-banned individuals. Some use face-recognition software.

Liquor self-bans

Today, I saw a post by revertoe, and it got me thinking about liquor self-bans.
Just as gambling self-bans can be useful for problem gamblers, I assume that self-bans from bars and pubs might likewise be useful for people who want help with abstinence.

New South Wales

New South Wales is an Australian province of about eight million people. In that province, there's a liquor self-exclusion scheme. The scheme is described in the Liquor Act, and in a webpage on the Liquor & Gaming NSW website.
You fill in a form (PDF). You attach a photo of yourself. You tick a box to specify how long the voluntary exclusion will continue (e.g. 6 months). You bring a photocopy of the form to each of your favorite bars. Then, if you try to visit any one of these bars, they can kick you out.
It's not a panacea, but if you want to quit drinking, I think it might help.

[Edit: Great Yarmouth]

The town of Great Yarmouth, England, launched an alcohol self-exclusion scheme about a decade ago.
Your information, and your photo, go into a database. (Source.) If your favorite bars or liquor stores don't yet have access to the database, they'll be granted access. (Source.)
There's no law which forbids venues from serving self-banned customers. But it's a bad idea to sell alcohol to such individuals; and I guess that the Count Me Out team is probably skilled at convincing venue owners that this is so.
If you try to buy alcohol, the Count Me Out team may contact your doctor, social worker, probation officer, and/or local police department. These officials in turn may contact you and (if you've consented) your family, friends, and/or AA sponsor. (See this source.)

Everywhere else

Everywhere else in the world, the liquor self-ban process isn't so well-defined. You can ask bar staff to self-ban you. If you ask nicely, they might well honor your request. (Source.) (If you instead want them to limit your drinks, they again might be willing to help; see this source.) But they're not legally obligated to honor any request.


As part of a series of further attempts to seek a good answer, I've cross-posted my question to /australia, here, and to /AustralianPolitics, here.

My question

I assume that problem drinking leads to far more injuries and deaths than problem gambling. (Consider, for example, drunk driving.)
If gambling self-bans are such a well-defined process everywhere, why are liquor self-bans generally not an equally well-defined process?
submitted by tealhill to dryalcoholics [link] [comments]

Casino self-bans are available in all Australian states. However, liquor self-bans are officially only available in New South Wales. Why?


My actual questions are at the very end of this post. If you're in a hurry, you may skip the rest.

Gambling self-bans

Gambling self-bans are useful for those who want to quit. Often, you can fill in one form and be banned from all the casinos in a state, province, or country. Most problem gamblers don't self-ban, but some do. Self-bans seem to help at least some people to gamble less often. (Source.)
I did some Google searching. It looks like gambling self-exclusion is available in all Australian states. (Source.) The service is also available in New Zealand, the US, the UK, Canada, South Africa, and elsewhere.
Casinos have different ways of detecting self-banned individuals. Some use face-recognition software. It depends where you live.

Liquor self-bans

I saw a post by revertoe, and it got me thinking about liquor self-bans.
Just as gambling self-bans can be useful for problem gamblers, I assume that self-bans from bars and pubs might likewise be useful for people who want help with abstinence.

New South Wales

New South Wales has a liquor self-exclusion scheme. The scheme is described in the Liquor Act, and in a webpage on the Liquor & Gaming NSW website.
You fill in a form (PDF). You attach a photo of yourself. You tick a box to specify how long the voluntary exclusion will continue (e.g. 6 months). You bring a photocopy of the form to each of your favorite bars. Then, if you try to visit any one of these bars, they can kick you out.
It's not a panacea, but if you want to quit drinking, I think it might help.

Great Yarmouth

The town of Great Yarmouth, England, launched an alcohol self-exclusion scheme about a decade ago.
Your information, and your photo, go into a database. (Source.) If your favorite bars or liquor stores don't yet have access to the database, they'll be granted access. (Source.)
There's no law which forbids venues from serving self-banned customers. But it's a bad idea to sell alcohol to such individuals; and I guess that the Count Me Out team is probably skilled at convincing venue owners that this is so.
If you try to buy alcohol, the Count Me Out team may contact your doctor, social worker, probation officer, and/or local police department. These officials in turn may contact you and (if you've consented) your family, friends, and/or AA sponsor. (See this source.)

Everywhere else

As far as I can tell, everywhere else, the liquor self-ban process isn't so well-defined. You can ask bar staff to self-ban you. If you ask nicely, they might well honor your request. (Source.) (If you instead want them to limit your drinks, they again might be willing to help; see this source.) But they're not legally obligated to honor any request.


I've never been to Australia.

My questions

I assume that problem drinking leads to far more injuries and deaths than problem gambling. (Consider, for example, drink driving.)
A) If gambling self-bans are such a well-defined process everywhere, why are liquor self-bans generally not an equally well-defined process outside of New South Wales?
B) (If you have any experience with the liquor self-ban scheme:) In your experience, has the New South Wales liquor self-ban scheme been helpful or unhelpful to participants?
submitted by tealhill to AustralianPolitics [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: RedditDayOf posts from 2018-07-24 to 2018-12-29 14:40 PDT

Period: 157.70 days
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Rate (per day) 6.32 11.84
Unique Redditors 186 830
Combined Score 26075 6427

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 3303 points, 139 submissions: sbroue
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  2. 2299 points, 48 submissions: PhillipBrandon
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  3. 2078 points, 183 submissions: 0and18
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  4. 1328 points, 53 submissions: jaykirsch
    1. "Icelandic Fairy Tales" amazing 1897 compilation in pdf format, 334 pages fully indexed, link to full text and illustrations in comments. (97 points, 2 comments)
    2. Archie & Edith, 1970s (88 points, 6 comments)
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    4. 'Catch Me If You Can' the story of ultra-scammer Frank Abagnale Jr, not a pilot, nor a lawyer, nor a doctor, but a damn fine check forger. Addt'l links in comments. (77 points, 13 comments)
    5. The state of New South Wales, Australia's top-producing agriculture area, is now considered 100% in drought conditions. (72 points, 8 comments)
    6. Still shot: One bird will win. Ether way, fish loses. (70 points, 1 comment)
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    8. The amazing chalk art of David Zinn, link to his gallery in comments (50 points, 1 comment)
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    10. The Theory of Automated Creationism; Pastafarian doctrine of the 'Big Boil,' a mountain, some trees, and a midget, created after some heavy drinking. (42 points, 1 comment)
  5. 1229 points, 26 submissions: cossack_wannabe
    1. Who would've thought that Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg would hit it off on a cooking show? Their hit show 'Martha and Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party" enters its 3rd season on VH1. (137 points, 10 comments)
    2. Wintergatan, a Swedish "folktronica" band, invented a semi-autonamous and programmable musical instrument called "The Marble Machine". Their entire Youtube channel is dedicated to the innovation of new musical devices. (129 points, 5 comments)
    3. For several decades, not only was pinball illegal in the United States, it was linked with organized crime, gambling, and even became an issue of political scandal during the Kennedy Administration. (116 points, 7 comments)
    4. Washington DC hosts an annual drag race at Dupont Circle, featuring 100 or so drag queens racing in high heels in a 0.1 mile sprint down 17th street. 2018 was the 32nd annual race. (113 points, 4 comments)
    5. Japanese television has long used lubrication they refer to as "lotion" as a comedic prop. In this popular segment, contestants have to climb lubricated soft foam stairs to reach prizes at the top. Quite amusing :-) (105 points, 7 comments)
    6. Cargo cults came about during WWII during the pacific campaigns. Native tribes saw the cargo being airdropped and developed an entire belief system by attempting to recreate the movements observed at airfields, without understanding how any of it actually works. (96 points, 11 comments)
    7. One of the older internet memes came about when a guy uploaded a VHS video of his cat playing a keyboard....forever known as Keyboard Cat (79 points, 11 comments)
    8. A "Potemkin village" signifies any deceptive or false construct, conjured often by cruel regimes, to deceive both those within the land and those peering in from outside...created solely to impress Russian tsarina Catherine the Great. (78 points, 4 comments)
    9. Surströmming is a Swedish delicacy of fermented herring preserved in a can bulging with gases. Most westerners desperately avoid the world's smelliest food and several airlines ban it from their planes, due to the fear that a can could open midflight and sickens the entire cabin. (59 points, 6 comments)
    10. Mr. Wizard was my one of my favorite tv shows growing up. Here is his demonstration about Magnets. (56 points, 6 comments)
  6. 1062 points, 62 submissions: coffeeblossom
    1. Hippo Sculpture (124 points, 3 comments)
    2. The Original Jolt Cola (72 points, 10 comments)
    3. Wedding dress trends from 1915-2015 (64 points, 7 comments)
    4. What Is CRISPR? (54 points, 1 comment)
    5. How to take care of carnivorous plants (36 points, 0 comments)
    6. How the Spanish Flu Killed More People than World War One (35 points, 1 comment)
    7. Pittsburgh, PA has 446 bridges! (33 points, 1 comment)
    8. The X-Files TV Tropes Page (33 points, 0 comments)
    9. Why Do More Species Live Near the Equator? (33 points, 4 comments)
    10. Why Does Dial Up Sound The Way It Does? (An Explanation) (33 points, 0 comments)
  7. 1030 points, 32 submissions: joelschlosberg
    1. Carl Sagan on the "stillborn religion" based on the martyrdom of JFK (124 points, 4 comments)
    2. Robert Wadlow (1918-1940), who still holds the record for the tallest verified height of all time, with his 5'-11.5" father. (109 points, 9 comments)
    3. word puzzle (98 points, 5 comments)
    4. Tommy Wiseau's (72 points, 1 comment)
    5. Sylvester Stallone, the only writer-actor nominated for an Academy Award in both categories for the same movie who has never won. (63 points, 8 comments)
    6. the glass armonica, an invention of Ben Franklin, whose sound is "nearly indescribably creepy, but in a whimsical sort of way" (61 points, 7 comments)
    7. The Sega Genesis game Decap Attack, in which the player fights a variety of monsters as a mummy named "Chuck D. Head" with a main head in his torso and another supplementary head that can be detached and, well, thrown. (59 points, 2 comments)
    8. Batman vs. the Penguin (48 points, 4 comments)
    9. Poetry City Marathon by David Morice, containing a poem over 10,000 pages long. (46 points, 2 comments)
    10. The "Space Cadet" pinball game that was included with many copies of Microsoft Windows is from Maxis's "Full Tilt! Pinball" software, which also had two other pinball tables: Skulduggery and Dragon's Keep. (46 points, 1 comment)
  8. 962 points, 24 submissions: alesserweevil
    1. The Rhodes Scholarship is prestigious scholarship for postgraduate students at the University of Oxford. It was established by Cecil John Rhodes in 1902. Here's to Kris Kristofferson (Merton College), still the only Rhodes Scholar to have gone on to make a living out of singing and songwriting. (122 points, 2 comments)
    2. The lock picking lawyer: a strangely addictive YouTube channel in which a which a locksport enthusiast demonstrates various ways of opening locks - in this one he picks a lock with “secret” magnetic pins. (105 points, 6 comments)
    3. Werner Klemperer (Colonel Klink in Hogan's Heroes) was the son of famous conductor Otto Klemperer and an operatic baritone himself. (101 points, 3 comments)
    4. Leonid Rogozov, the doctor of the sixth Soviet Antarctic expedition, removing his own appendix in 1961. (100 points, 8 comments)
    5. James Tiptree, Jr - the pen name Alice B. Sheldon chose for her science fiction work because "I've had too many experiences in my life of being the first woman in some damned occupation." (90 points, 7 comments)
    6. McGyver on the importance of "Plan B". (69 points, 1 comment)
    7. How to make a FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER from one of the best channels on YouTube. (68 points, 2 comments)
    8. Portable soup: a staple of the Royal Navy in the 18th Century. (61 points, 4 comments)
    9. A young Arthur C Clarke with his painstakingly collected (he was living on a farm in England), almost complete run of Amazing Stories and other science fiction pulp magazines. (58 points, 0 comments)
    10. Props to Ronin (1998) for having the first (and arguably still the only) classic car chase to feature a woman driver (Natascha McElhone). (55 points, 16 comments)
  9. 728 points, 26 submissions: Sanlear
    1. 'There's no paper in the classroom': why Los Angeles teachers are moving toward a strike (85 points, 2 comments)
    2. Locals complain after church uses gravestones to build 'peace path' (82 points, 8 comments)
    3. South Africa's ancient lost city of Kweneng rediscovered by lasers (74 points, 1 comment)
    4. Europe heatwave: Thousands of fish die in Swiss Rhine (71 points, 1 comment)
    5. Petition Launched Against Catchphrase From Disney’s ‘The Lion King’ (50 points, 31 comments)
    6. Smurfs turn 60 and fans can visit the Smurfs village and take a virtual reality ride (35 points, 0 comments)
    7. Intoxication deaths triple in Maryland since 2010 (32 points, 0 comments)
    8. WW1: Tennessee's most famous soldier, Alvin C. York, didn't want to go to war (31 points, 1 comment)
    9. Merkley accuses DHS of 'scandal' in taking funds from FEMA (28 points, 1 comment)
    10. Water plumes on Europa: Tasting an extraterrestrial ocean (28 points, 1 comment)
  10. 674 points, 25 submissions: codename-sailorv
    1. "Why is New Jersey called the Garden State?" (176 points, 8 comments)
    2. Need Glasses? (115 points, 1 comment)
    3. Ban on Irish butter in Wisconsin sends shoppers across state lines (94 points, 12 comments)
    4. Six Queens of Henry VIII: Matryoshka Doll Edition (56 points, 4 comments)
    5. Pita Taufatofua, "Tonga Guy," Sporting the Internet's favorite uniform at the 2016 and 2018 Olympics (52 points, 5 comments)
    6. "They’re doing all of the usual worm things: flying around and dropping trees onto cars and houses, spitting venom at people, and eating stray cats and then leaving large mewling pellets all about town." (31 points, 0 comments)
    7. "Ladies' Night": well-written, short comedy film about friendship and taking Plan B (17 points, 2 comments)
    8. Forty years after the book was published, a cartoon was created based on Saint-Exupéry's characters. (16 points, 0 comments)
    9. Liz Lemon: "Can we have our money now?" (16 points, 1 comment)
    10. New Jersey: leading the nation in Superfund sites! (15 points, 0 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. 0and18 (260 points, 194 comments)
  2. sbroue (140 points, 71 comments)
  3. rwwman50 (140 points, 5 comments)
  4. PhillipBrandon (106 points, 25 comments)
  5. martyz (96 points, 1 comment)
  6. EarphoneTangler (94 points, 2 comments)
  7. jaykirsch (76 points, 40 comments)
  8. art-man_2018 (67 points, 16 comments)
  9. alesserweevil (58 points, 8 comments)
  10. twitch1982 (49 points, 12 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Australian couple corrects 19-year-old misprint by EKrake (277 points, 18 comments)
  2. Breaking the world record for largest hula hoop spun by PhillipBrandon (250 points, 6 comments)
  3. In Canada there is a discount brand called No Name with extremely minimalist packaging. by iorgfeflkd (222 points, 27 comments)
  4. For a moment, I thought that UFO, a 1970 British SciFi series, had done a decent job predicting the modern smart phone. by sverdrupian (209 points, 5 comments)
  5. The 1995 movie "Four Rooms" is about an insane night for one bellhop at the Mon Signor Hotel on New Year's Eve. Each room is directed and written by a different person, one including Quentin Tarantino. Tim Roth, Antonio Banderas, Bruce Willis, Jennifer Beals, and many more! Highly recommended! by jostler57 (201 points, 11 comments)
  6. Companies owned by Disney by ThriftyRiver (194 points, 19 comments)
  7. The critically endangered saiga antelope is originally from parts of China and Mongolia. The floppy nose is used for dust filtration and to control body temperature. by goofballl (192 points, 7 comments)
  8. Stefani Germonatta at an NYU talent show before she became Lady Gaga by bigtcm (183 points, 2 comments)
  9. "Why is New Jersey called the Garden State?" by codename-sailorv (176 points, 8 comments)
  10. Spy vs. Spy by Prohías by 0and18 (165 points, 3 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 96 points: martyz's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  2. 89 points: rwwman50's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  3. 73 points: EarphoneTangler's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  4. 41 points: AuthorTomFrost's comment in The Heaven's Gate cult committed mass suicide in 1997, but their website lives on
  5. 37 points: videowordflesh's comment in word puzzle
  6. 36 points: rwwman50's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  7. 35 points: rodion_kjd's comment in Companies owned by Disney
  8. 34 points: Aegon_the_Conquerer's comment in In her autopsy of The Hobbit trilogy, Lindsay Ellis identifies one music cue that perfectly encapsulates the essence of those films. [Timestamped to 31:16]
  9. 33 points: CrazyEddie041's comment in The Heaven's Gate cult committed mass suicide in 1997, but their website lives on
  10. 32 points: Creativation's comment in For a moment, I thought that UFO, a 1970 British SciFi series, had done a decent job predicting the modern smart phone.
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